Creative Knitting - AU (2019-08)

(Antfer) #1
lower edge of the opening border
without buttonholes under that
with the buttonholes. On front fold
the underfold in half so that the
creases meet. On WS sew the bind-
off sts then stitch a centre seam
along 1cm starting from the upper
edge of the pleat.
Join shoulder seams.

Neckline border
(RS) Knit up with (A) 102 (108) sts
around Neck, including the narrow
edges of the back opening borders.
(WS) Work in St st, beg with a
purl row.
Work 5 rows even end with a WS.
Eyelet Row (RS) K1, * yo, k2 tog *,
rep from * to *, k1.
(WS) Work in St st, beg with a
purl row.
Work 4 rows even.
Bind off all sts.
Fold the border on WS along the
eyelet row and slipstitch.
Sew the 3 buttons on the right
edge of the back opening, facing
Fold the pleat in half and sew on
front, keeping the folded edge
aligned with the beg of the armholes.
Tie the bow winding the central
strip around the upper strip folded
in half, slip the lower strip through
and tack this bow in the centre of
the applied pleat.
Sew side seams. Sew Sleeve
seams. Set in Sleeves.
Fold edges of body and sleeves
on WS along the eyelet row and

Right Leg: In (A) cast on 34 (36) sts.
(RS) Begin in St st. Work 8 rows
(RS) K1, * yo, k2 tog *, rep from *
to *, k1.
(WS) Work in St st, beg with a
purl row.
Work even until piece measures

5cm from beg.
Inner Leg Increase row (RS) Knit to
last 3 sts, M1K, k3.
Work 3 rows even.
Repeat last 4 rows 16 (17) more
times – 51 (54) sts.
Work even until piece measures
18 (19) cm from beg, end with a
WS row.
Slip sts on holder.

Left Leg
Work as for Right Leg, reversing all
Inner Leg increase row: K3, M1K,
knit rem sts.
Crotch and upper part (RS) Knit 51
(54) sts from Right Leg, cast on 4
sts for the crotch, knit 51 (54) sts
from Left Leg – 106 (112) sts.
Work in St st.
Work even until piece measures 17
(18) cm from the crotch, end with
a WS row.
Border (RS) Change to K2, P
rib, beg row with k2 and dec 4
(6) sts across the 1st row – 102
(106) sts.
Work even until border measures
6cm from beg.
Bind off rem sts.

Work as for Back.

Block pieces to measurements.
Sew side and inner Leg seams.
Fold the lower edge on WS along
the eyelet row and slipstitch.
Fold the waistline border halfway
on WS and stitch leaving a small
opening, slip the elastic through,
set the required width then close
the short edges and the opening.

Yarns available.

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Dress anD Leggings

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