Creative Knitting - AU (2019-08)

(Antfer) #1


Design by Naturally Yarns

Dress and Leggings – Filatura Di Crosa

** With 5.5mm needles, cast on 61
(67, 71, 77) sts.
Row 1: (RS) K1; * p1, k1; rep from
* to end.
Row 2: P1; * k1, p1; rep from *
to end.
Rep these 2 rows once more.
Change to 5mm needles.
Garter stitch (= k every row) for
5 rows.
Change to 5.5mm needles.
Rib 3 rows.
Stst until piece measures 28 (30,
34, 38) cm from beg, end with a
WS row.
Change to 5mm needles.
1st Size only: Next row: (RS) – K9;
[skp, k2tog, k4] twice; skp, k2tog,
k3; [skp, k2tog, k4] twice; skp,
k2tog, k9 – 49 sts.
2nd Size only: Next row: (RS) –
K8; [skp, k2tog, k4] 3 times; skp,
k2tog; [k4, skp, k2tog] 3 times;
k7 – 53 sts.
3rd Size only: Next row: (RS) –
K10; [skp, k2tog, k4] 3 times; skp,
k2tog; [k4, skp, k2tog] 3 times;
k9 – 57 sts.
4th Size only: Next row: (RS) –
K9; [skp, k2tog, k4] 3 times; skp,
k2tog, k3, skp, k2tog; [k4, skp,
k2tog] 3 times; k9 – 61 sts.
For all sizes: Next row: (WS) – P.
Change to 5.5mm needles.
Stst 2 rows.

Shape Underarms
Cast off 2 (2, 2, 3) sts beg next 2

Dec 1 st each end next 2 rows,
then each end next 3 RS rows – 35
(39, 43, 45) sts. **
Stst straight until armhole
measures 9 (10, 11, 12) cm from
beg, end with a WS row.

Shape Neck and Shoulders
Next row: (RS) K11 (13, 15, 16) sts,
turn, on these sts only.
Next row: (WS) Cast off 2 sts, p
to end.
K 1 row.
Next row: Cast off 2 (3, 3, 3) sts,
p to end.
Cast off rem 7 (8, 10, 11) sts.
Return to sts on hold, slip next 13
sts to holder for centre back neck,
rejoin yarn and work 2nd half to
match reversing shapings.

Work as for Back from ** to **.
Stst straight until armhole
measures 5 (5, 6, 7) cm from beg,
end with a WS row.

Shape Neck
Next row: (RS) K14 (16, 18, 19) sts,
turn, on these sts only.
Dec 1 st at neck edge next 7 (8, 8,
8) rows – 7 (8, 10, 11) sts.
Stst straight until front measures
same as back to shoulder, end
with a WS row.
Cast off rem sts for left shoulder.
Return to sts on hold, slip next 7
sts to holder for centre front neck,
rejoin yarn and work 2nd half to
match reversing shapings.

Size CM 56 61 66 71
ACTuA l ChesT Cm 61 66 71 76
Lower edge CM 76 84 89 96.5
leNgTh OF BACK Cm 41 44 49 54
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