Creative Knitting - AU (2019-08)

(Antfer) #1

Work as given for Back to **.
Divide for Shawl Collar:
Next Row: Patt 61 (67 73 81 88 94),
cast off next 22 (22 22 22 23 23)
sts, patt to end.
Cont on these 61 (67 73 81 88 94)
sts for right side of neck.
Work one row patt.

Beg neck Shaping
Keeping patt correct, dec one st
at beg (neck edge) of next and
foll 4th rows until 58 (64 70 78 85
91) sts rem.
Work two rows patt.

Shape Armhole
Cast off two sts at beg of next
row. 56 [62 68 76 83 89] sts.
Keeping patt correct, dec one
st at armhole edge in next and
foll alt rows nine (9 10 12 13
13) times in all, AT SAME TIME
dec one st at neck edge in next
and foll 4th rows two (2 6 8 6
8) times in all, then in foll 6th
rows until 36 (41 44 49 55 60)
sts rem.
Work 10 (6 6 6 6 6) rows patt
(without further dec).

Shape Shoulder
Keeping patt correct, cast off nine
(10 11 12 14 15) sts at beg of next
row and foll two alt rows.
Work one row patt.
Cast off rem nine (11 11 13 13
15) sts.
With wrong side facing, join yarn
to rem 61 (67 73 81 88 94) sts for
left side of neck and patt to end.

Beg neck Shaping
Keeping patt correct, dec one st
at end (neck edge) of next and foll
4th rows until 58 (64 70 78 85 91)
sts rem.
Work one row patt.
Shape Armhole:
Cast off two sts at beg of next row.
56 [62-68-76-83-89] sts.
Keeping patt correct, dec one st

at armhole edge in next and foll
alt rows nine (9 10 12 13 13) times
in all, AT SAME TIME dec one st
at neck edge in next and foll 4th
rows 2 (2 6 8 6 8) times in all,
then in foll 6th rows until 36 [41
44 49 55 60] sts rem.
Work nine (5 5 5 5 5) rows patt
(without further dec).
Shape Shoulder:
Work as given for other shoulder

Using 4.00mm needles, cast on 66
(66 70 70 74 74) sts.
1st Row (wrong side): K2 (2 4 4
6 6), P2, K4, P2, * K2, P2, K4, P3,
K4, P2, K2, P2, K4, P2, rep from *
to last two (2 4 4 6 6) sts, K2 (2 4
4 6 6).

Beg main Patt
Work Rows 1 and 2 from Graph B
or written instructions at end of
Cont in main patt, noting there
are 30 rows to patt and working
inc sts into side patt, inc one st at
each end of next row, then in foll
4th (4th 4th alt alt alt) rows until
there are 100 [112 122 78 80 92)
sts, then in foll 6th (6th 6th 4th
4th 4th) row/s until there are 118
[122 128 134 138 144) sts.
Cont in patt (without further inc)
until work measures 48cm from
beg, working last row on wrong

Shape top
Keeping patt correct, cast off two
sts at beg of next two rows. 114
[118 124 130 134 140] sts.
Dec one st at each end of next
and foll alt rows until 96 (100 104
106 108 114) sts rem.
Work one row.
Cast off 13 (14 14 15 15 16) sts
at beg of next four rows, then
14(14 15 14 14 15) sts at beg of foll
two rows.
Castoff rem 16 (16 18 18 20
20) sts.

Using 4.00mm circular needle,
cast on 161 (169 173 181 193 201)
Row 1: K3, (P2, K2) 13 (14 14 15 16
17) times, (P1, K1) 25 (25 27 27 29
29) times, P1, (K2, P2) 13 (14 14 15
16 17) times, K3.
Beg Turnings:

Design note: When pattern
specifies ‘turn’ – proceed as
follows (to avoid holes in work)

  • take yarn under needle and
    onto other side of work, slip next
    st onto right hand needle, take
    yarn under needle and back to
    original position, slip st back
    onto left hand needle, then turn
    and proceed as instructed in

Row 2: P3, (K2, P2) 13 (14 14 15 16
17) times, (K1, P1) 25 (25 27 27 29
29) times, K1, turn.
Row 3: P1, (K1, P1) 25 (25 27 27 29
29) times, turn.
Row 4: K1, (P1, K1) 25 (25 27 27 29
29) times, (P2, K2) twice, turn.
Row 5: (P2, K2) twice, (inc
purlways in next st, inc knitways in
next st) 25 (25 27 27 29 29) times,
inc purlways in next st, (K2, P2)
twice, turn.
Row 6: (K2, P2) 31 (31 33 33 35
35) times, K2, turn.
Row 7: (P2, K2) 32 (32 34 34 36
36) times, P2, turn.
Row 8: (K2, P2) 33 (33 35 35 37
37) times, K2, turn.
Row 9: (P2, K2) 34 (34 36 36 38
38) times, P2, turn.
Row 10: (K2, P2) 35 (35 37 37 39
39) times, K2, turn.
Row 11: (P2, K2) 36 (36 38 38 40
40) times, P2, turn.
Row 12: (K2, P2) 37 (37 39 39 41
41) times, K2, turn.
Row 13: (P2, K2) 38 (38 40 40 42
42) times, P2, turn.
Row 14: (K2, P2) 39 (39 41 41 43
43) times, K2, turn.
Row15: (P2,K2)40 (40 42 42 44
44) times, P2, turn.

Cleckheaton Country 8 ply OR
Cleckheaton Naturals 8 ply
(50g balls)
Quantity: 23, 24, 25, 26, 28, 30

needles and tools   
4.00mm knitting needles or
a circular 4.00mm knitting

special abbreviations
‘C4F’ – Slip next two sts onto
cable needle and leave at front
of work, K2, then K2 from
cable needle.
‘T3B’ – Slip next two sts onto
cable needle and leave at
back of work, K1, then K2 from
cable needle.
‘T3F’ – Slip next st onto cable
needle and leave at front of
work, K2, then K1 from cable
‘C3B’ – Slip next st onto cable
needle and leave at back of
work, K2, then P1 from cable
‘C3F’ – Slip next two sts onto
cable needle and leave at front
of work, P1, then K2 from cable
‘TWL’ – Knit into back of 2nd
st, then knit first st, slipping
both sts off needle tog.
‘TWR’ – Knit into front of 2nd
st, then knit first st, slipping
both sts off needle tog.

27 sts of one patt rep by 30
rows = 10cm, using 4.00mm

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Man’s aran JuMper

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