Creative Knitting - AU (2019-08)

(Antfer) #1

Using 3.25mm needles and C1,
cast on 50 sts.
Row 1: K3, P4, K4, rep from to
last 7 sts, P4, K3.
Row 2: P3, K4, P4, rep from to
last 7 sts, K4, P3.
Last 2 rows form rib.
Work 6 rows rib (8 rows in all).
Change to C2, work 8 rows rib.
Change to C1, work 8 rows rib.
Change to M for rem. **
Row 1: K26, M1, K2, M1, K22. 52 sts.
Row 2: K1, purl to last st, K1.
Row 3: Knit.
Row 4: As 2nd row.
Row 5: K26, M1, K4, M1, K22. 54
Cont inc in this manner (working 2
more sts between inc each time)
in every foll 4th row until there are
62 sts.
Work 3 rows.

Next row: K41, turn.
Next row: K1, P14, turn, cast on
3 sts.
Work 20 rows on these 18 sts.

Shape Top
Row 1: K2tog, K1, rep from to
end. 12 sts.
Row 2: K1, purl to last st, K1.
Row 3: K2tog, rep from to end.
6 sts.
Break off yarn, run end through
rem sts, draw up tightly and fasten
off securely.
With right side facing, join in yarn
and knit up 3 sts from cast-on sts
at base of thumb, knit to end. 50
Work 13 rows.

First Finger
Next row: K32, turn.
Next row: K1, P13, turn, cast on 2
Work 24 rows on these 16 sts.

Shape Top
Row 1: K1, K2tog, K1, rep from

to end.
Row 2: K1, purl to last st, K1.
Row 3: K1, * K2tog, rep from * to
Break off yarn, run end through
rem sts, draw up tightly and fasten
off securely.

Second Finger
With right side facing, join in yarn
and knit up 2 sts from cast-on sts
at base of first finger, K6, turn.
Next row: K1, P13, turn, cast on 2
Work 26 rows on these 16 sts.
Shape Top as for First Finger.

Third Finger
With right side facing, join in yarn
and knit up 2 sts from cast-on sts
at base of second finger, K6, turn.
Next row: K1, P13, turn, cast on 2 sts.
Complete as for First Finger.

Fourth Finger
With right side facing, join in yarn
and knit up 2 sts from cast-on sts
at base of third finger, knit to end.
Next row: K1, purl to last st, K1.
Work 20 rows on these 14 sts.

Shape Top
Row 1: K2, * K2tog, K1, rep from *
to end.
Row 2: K1, purl to last st, K1.
Row 3: * K2tog, rep from * to end.
Break off yarn, run end through
rem sts, draw up tightly and fasten
off securely.

Work as for Right Glove to **.
Row 1: K22, M1, K2, M1, K26. 52 sts.
Row 2: K1, purl to last st, K1.
Row 3: Knit.
Row 4: As 2nd row.
Row 5: K22, M1, K4, M1, K26. 54 sts.
Rep rows 2 to 4 incl once.
Row 9: K22, M1, K6, M1, K26. 56 sts.
Cont inc in this manner (working 2
more sts between inc each time)
in every foll 4th row until there are
62 sts.
Work 3 rows.

Next Row: K36, turn, cast on 3 sts.
Next row: K1, P16, K1, turn.
Complete as for Right Glove.
With right side facing, join in yarn
and knit up 3 sts from cast-on sts at
base of thumb, knit to end. 50 sts.
Work 13 rows.

First Finger
Next row: K32, turn, cast on 2 sts.
Next row: K1, P14, K1, turn.
Complete as for Right Glove.

Second Finger
With right side facing, join in yarn
and knit up 2 sts from cast on sts.
At base of first finger, K6, turn, cast
on 2 sts.
Next row: K1, P14, K1, turn.
Complete as for Right Glove.

Third Finger
With right side facing, join in yarn
and knit up 2 sts from cast on sts
at base of second finger, K6, turn,
cast on 2 sts.
Next row: K1, P14, K1, turn.
Complete as for Right Glove.

Fourth Finger
Work as for Right Glove.

Using a flat seam, join thumb,
finger and side seams.

Using 4.00mm needles and M,
cast on 68 sts.
Row 1: * K4, P4, rep from * to last
4 sts, K4.
Row 2: * P4, K4, rep from * to last
4 sts, P4.
Last 2 rows form rib patt.
Work a further 48 rows (50 rows
in all).

Beg Stripe Patt
Change to C1, work 10 rows rib.
Change to C2, work 10 rows rib.
Change to C1, work 10 rows rib.
Change to M, work 50 rows rib.
Last 80 rows form stripe patt.
Rep last 80 rows 5 times.
Cast off loosely in rib.

Sew in ends.

Yarns available.

Ph: 1800 337 032

Blue Bell Gloves and scarf

Free download pdf