Practical Photography - UK (2019-09)

(Antfer) #1
72 PracticalPhotograPhy

Do I focus through

the viewfinder

or in Live View?

I’ ve noticed that
when I focus in
Live View the
image is always sharp,
but I sometimes have
difficulty using my
viewfinder. Why is this?
Rachel Graves, Littlehampton

Ben says: a modern DSlr is
packed full of tech designed
to make the picture-taking
process as painless as
possible. two of the most
game-changing innovations
have been autofocus and
live View. the former makes
taking sharp pictures so much
easier, while the latter has
been a huge boon in aiding
exact composition. Much of
the time we take this tech for
granted, but sometimes it’s
useful to know what your
camera is doing...

Live View v finder
When you take a shot using
the traditional viewfinder
on a DSlr, most models will
autofocus using a system
called Phase Detection.

however, switching over
to live View also means
switching to contrast
Detection autofocus. the
reason for this is that contrast
detection can only function
when the image is being
projected onto the sensor.
Understanding which
system works best in which
conditions is thereforekey.

Phase or contrast?
Phase detection works by
using a pair of micro lensesto
compare and align the light
flowing through the lens.
it has some drawbacks, asit
is not possible to accurately
fo cus on the far edges of the
fr ame using this system.
additionally, it requires
critical alignment of the
micro lenses and the main
le ns, which in most DSlrs
allo w fine adjustment of the
autofocus system.
contrast detection works
by analysing the contrast
between pixels in real time,
with accurate focus being
achieved once a threshold is

reached.intheory,this isthe
moreaccuratesystem,as itis
based on the real scene.
Deciding which to use
will depend on the situation.
Phase detection (viewfinder)

is more critical and better for
landscapes, but it is slower
and more prone to ‘hunting’.

Above & below Live View is veryusefulforcomposingyourshots,
but it is slower to focus, makingit unsuitableforactionphotography.


If youarehavingtrouble with
yourautofocus,lookfor an
areain yourscenewith
fo custhere.

live view evf/viewfinder

tawatch ai1990

Valery Bareta
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