Practical Photography - UK (2019-09)

(Antfer) #1
ta kenduringan
ex cursionto
a little-known
place in the
Apennines, in
th e Piacenza province of Italy.
I wanted to capture the beauty
of the landscape, with its
swirling water and dramatic
sk y, and combined several
sh ots to create a vertical
composition with strong
foreground. I tried to include
elements to lead the viewer’s
gaze to the landscape beyond.

Richard says: Landscape
photography is definitely a
genre where it pays to learna
fe w rules. Luca’s shot is bang
on the money in terms of its
composition – there’s plenty
of foreground interest, that
lovely big rock to anchor your
gaze in the mid-ground and
the stunning sunset beyond,
which completes the image
and gives the viewer’s eye
great interest across the
whole of the frame.
By getting down low – I
suspect that his camera was
at risk of a drowning – Luca
has added more drama to the
rushing water, which you can
almost feel speeding through
the shot. The water is clearly
the main element of the image

andI’mactuallya little
undecided on whether a
longer shutter speed might
have made for a more
interesting shot. Luca’s
shutter speed of 1/13sec is
enough to introduce some
blur, but I’d have liked to
break out a Big Stopper and
gone all-out for a very blurry,
milky look.
Luca combined several
images to create this shot.
This has allowed him to blend
the dark foreground and
bright sky together, which
would have been tricky to do
in one exposure. Great stuff
Luca, keep it up!




Anyone who’s serious about
their landscape photography
should ensure that they never
leave the house without a set
of filters. The three most
useful types for landscape
work are graduated ND filters,
which let you balance the
exposure between a bright
sky and a duller foreground;
10-stopND filters,which let you push your exposure times
intoseveralminutes to smooth out water and create
scuddingclouds;and polarising filters, that darken skies,
remove reflections and let you ‘see’ through shallow water.

Invest in a set of filters


drama in

the rushing


which you

can feel



Ni kon D5300 | 11mm | 1/13sec | f/11 | ISO 100
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