Goddesses in Everywoman

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meter while she was searching for her abducted daughter Persephone.

Psyche (s ’ kë), a mortal heroine, who completed the four tasks of Aphrodite,
and was reunited with her husband Eros.

Rhea (r ’ a), daughter of Gaea and Uranus, sister and wife of Cronos.
Mother of Hestia, Demeter, Hera, Hades, Poseidon, and Zeus.

Uranus ( r ’ nus), also known as the sky, father sky, or the heavens. Fathered
the Titans with Gaea, and was emasculated by his son, Cronos, who threw
his genitals into the sea; from which Aphrodite was (according to one
version) born.

Zeus (z s) called Jupiter or Jove by the Romans, ruler of the heavens and
earth, and chief god of the Olympians; youngest son of Rhea and Cronos,
who overthrew the Titans and established the supremacy of the Olympians
as rulers of the universe. Philandering husband of Hera, who had many
wives, many affairs, and numerous offspring from these liaisons—many
of whom were the second-generation Olympians, or heroes of Greek

Goddesses in Everywoman
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