Goddesses in Everywoman

(avery) #1

Luke, Helen M. “Mother and Daughter Mysteries.” In Woman: Earth and Spirit. New
York: Crossroad, 1981, pp. 51–71.
Zabriskie, Philip. “Goddesses in Our Midst.” Quadrant (Fall 1979), pp. 40–41.

  1. “Hymn to Demeter,” in The Homeric Hymns, trans. Charles Boer, 2nd ed., rev.
    (Irving, Texas: Spring, 1979), p. 89.

  2. C. Kerènyi, Eleusis, Archetypal Image of Mother and daughter, trans. Ralph Manheim
    (New York: Schocken Books, published by arrangement with Princeton University
    Press, 1977). Previously printed in the Bollinger Series (1967).

  3. Susan Issacs, “Baby Savior,” Parents Magazine (September 1981), pp. 81–85.

  4. Pauline Bart, “Mother Portnoy’s Complaints,” Trans-Action (November-December
    1970), pp. 69–74.


Dowling, Colette. The Cinderella Complex: Women’s Hidden Fear of Independence. New
York: Summit Books, 1981. The Cinderella Complex describes a Persephone
pattern. The book provides an excellent understanding of how family and culture
reinforce this archetype with “apprehensive oversolicitude” and inhibition of
assertiveness and independence.
Downing, Christine. “Persephone in Hades.” Anima (1977) no 1., (Fall Equinox):
“The Hymn to Demeter” (the Abduction of Persephone). In The Homeric Hymns,
translated by Charles Boer. 2nd ed., rev. Irving, Texas: Spring, 1979, pp. 89–135.
Kerènyi, C. Eleusis: Archetypal Image of Mother and Daughter, translated by Ralph
Manheim. New York: Schocken Books, reprinted by arrangement with Princeton
University Press, 1977. Previously printed in The Bollingen Series (1967).

  1. M. Esther Harding, “All Things to All Men,” in The Way of All Women (New York:
    Putnam’s, for the C. G. Jung Foundation for Analytic Psychology, 1970), p. 4.

  2. Harding, p. 16.

  3. Hannah Green, I Never Promised You a Rose Garden (New York: Signet Books/New
    American Library, by arrangement with Holt, Rinehart, and Winston, 1964).

  4. Walter F. Otto, Dionysus: Myth and Cult, trans. with an Introd. by Robert B. Palmer
    (Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1965), p. 116.

  5. Autobiography of a Schizophrenic Girl, with analytic interpretation by Marguerite
    Sechehaye. Translated by Grace Rubin-Rabson (New York: Signet Books/New
    American Library, published by arrangement with Grune & Stratton, 1970).

Goddesses in Everywoman
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