World Soccer – August 2019

(Amelia) #1
The promotion of Aston Villa, who
have been busily buying for the Premier
League, makes one wonder how well that
talented midfielder, the 23-year-old Jack
Grealish, will adapt. Ideally one might see
him as a future England player. He does
not often score himself but he does make
goals for other people.

A sad sign of these rancorous times

to hear the reflections of Manchester

United’s gifted new £15million winger

Daniel James on the ruthless treatment

he expects to go on receiving.

The last outrage was especially

repugnant. Playing in a so-called friendly

against Tottenham Hotspur in Shanghai,

he was not only fouled but then stamped

Those who live by the sword, you might

say. Stoke City’s formidable centre-back

Ryan Shawcross, largely famed for giving

rather than taking, has just become the

victim of a suspected broken leg during

a game against Leicester City.

As he attempted a sliding tackle on

Marc Albrighton just before half-time,

he had the misfortune to catch the studs

of his left boot in the turf and had to be

given oxygen as the match was held up

for more than eight minutes.

Stoke will not find it easy to replace

a player like Shawcross.

You tend to wonder why Manchester
United seemed so ready to divest
themselves of giant Belgian centre-
forward Romelu Lukaku, albeit at a price
which Internazionale, managed by the
striker’s keen admirer Antonio Conte,
were prepared to pay.
There was, after all, a substantial
difference between the £89million his
English club seemed to value him at and
the reported £57m which Inter wanted
apparently to pay.
Puzzling that Ole Gunnar Solskjaer
should want to dispose of him. On
United’s pre-season tour, four home-
grown players showed lively form, with
Angel Gomes scoring against Spurs.
The step up to the Premier League,
however, even for the most promising
youngsters, tends to be a steep one.

James ready for rough treatment in Premier League

Shawcross lives by the sword...

What’s wrong

with Lukaku?

Don’t forget Jack

on by Moussa Sissoko – an offence which
surely merited a long suspension, though
given that it happened in so remote a
venue I don’t suppose that will happen.
It was seemingly by no means the first
bad foul he had experienced on his club’s
summer tour, though it was evidently the
worst. James, a Welsh international, was
wearily philosophical about it.
“If you watch any of my games last
season...I think it’s going to happen to me
every game,” he remarked. “I’m used to it.
It’s just about getting back up and getting
on with it.
“I don’t let it get in my head and just
keep going. The Sissoko one, I nipped in
just before and he fouled me at the edge
of the box in a good position. Part of my
game is about winning those fouls and
getting in good positions.”
James thinks he generally gets
sufficient protection from referees,
adding: “I’d say in these friendly games
the refs are a bit more lenient, maybe a
bit more lenient than they are at home.”

Spurs tripped

up over Trippier

Kieran Trippier has made such a

bright beginning with Atletico Madrid

that Tottenham Hotspur may well be

wondering why they let him go, albeit

for a fee of £20million.

The England international right-back

helped his team to a crushing 7-3 victory

against their city rivals Real Madrid on

tour in New Jersey.

These are difficult days for the Real

manager Zinedine Zidane. At one stage

of a disastrous game against Atletico,

Real were 6-0 down. Zidane, plainly

whistling to keep his spirits up, remarked

“I’m not concerned but I’m hurt.” Which

seems something of a distinction without

a difference.

As for a contented Trippier,

he says: “I have settled in better than

expected to be honest. There is a lot of

For three bleak seasons in a row, Arsenal
have failed to qualify for the Champions
League. Which makes you wonder why as
dynamic an attacker as Nicolas Pepe of
Lille would ever want to join them, even
if in some way or another they scrape up
the vast £72million he would cost.
Napoli seemed a far more likely
destination. They at least have the money.

new faces but the lads make it easier for
you when they include you in everything.”
It remains somewhat surprising that
Spurs were ready to let him go.

Poser for Pepe

Kieran Trippier

James is fouled
by Moussa Sissoko

Expensive...Nicolas Pepe

ORead Brian Glanville’s

weekly online column


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