Astronomy - 06.2019

(John Hannent) #1

The Mission of Stellarvue is to inspire a healthy interest in science

and astronomy by handcrafting the finest telescopes on the planet.



11802 Kemper Rd. Auburn CA 95603


The SVX152T Premier Apo Refractor is now offered with an optional 3.5” worm drive rotating

focuser, the MoonLite NiteCrawler-WR35. Our SVX152T telescopes use optics that are hand-

figured in our optical shop in Auburn, California. After machine polishing we map the optical wave-

front and then make fine corrections by hand and machine to eliminate optical defects. We measure

the accuracy of each apochromatic triplet objective with our very own Zygo Phase Shifting Laser

Interferometer. Each SVX152T is accompanied with its unique Zygo test report, boasting an

extremely high Strehl ratio (.98 - .996) for world class performance.

SVX152T shown with optional MoonLite NiteCrawler-WR35 Focuser.

NGC-2170 image AJon Talbot
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