
(Nandana) #1
Mission Moon 3-D
is available online at


the mission focused on sampling older lunar material
that might provide clues to the Moon’s origin.

The end of an era
Similarly, Apollo 17 focused on an extensive science
mission, this time focused on the Taurus-Littrow

Valley. Its crew of Gene Cernan, Ron Evans, and Jack
Schmitt included the only scientist ever to walk on the

Moon (Schmitt). Extensive exploration and collecting
netted a great collection of samples, and ultimately
the Apollo Moon rocks enabled planetary scientists

to understand that the Moon originated in a large
impact between Earth and a planetesimal early in
the history of the solar system.

On December 19, 1972, the crew of Apollo 17
splashed down. We have not been back to the Moon
since, in nearly 50 years. Will humans someday return,

and will politicians and the public return to caring
more about science, and funding it?

That remains to be seen. In late 1972, the Apollo
program had reached the end, and humans had
traveled to the Moon, at least for a half century,

for the last time.

Mission Moon 3-D: A New Perspective on the Space
Race, by David J. Eicher and Brian May, foreword by
Charlie Duke, afterword by Jim Lovell, presents the
story of the historic lunar landings and the events
that led up to them, told in text and 3D images.
Mission Moon 3-D contains new and unique
stereoscopic images of the Apollo Moon landings to
show what it was like to walk on the lunar surface.
The triumph of the Apollo 11 Moon landing takes
center stage, with detailed stories and visually
stunning images from the six lunar missions that
followed. In total, the book includes 150 stereo
photos of the Apollo missions and space race, the
largest group ever published, and presents photos
never seen before in stereo.
The book also delivers a comprehensive tale
of the space race. New stories appear from the
astronauts, including Lovell’s anecdotes about
the perilous return of Apollo 13.
Mission Moon 3-D
includes a history
of the social and
musical movements
of the ’ 6 0s and
beyond that trans-
formed the world,
from Vietnam and
Woodstock to Live
Aid. Don’t miss out on
this unique treasure.


Astronomy Editor David J. Eicher is an author of

23 books on science and history. Brian May is an
astronomer, and founding member and guitarist
of the legendary rock band Queen.

This story is adapted from Mission Moon 3-D: A

New Perspective on the Space Race by David J.
Eicher and Brian May, foreword by Charlie Duke,
afterword by Jim Lovell, published October 30, 2018,

by London Stereoscopic Co. and MIT Press, Boston.

Above: Boulders
stand in the
foreground of
this view of the
southern rim of
Camelot Crater
on December 12,

  1. The North
    Massif lies in the
    background. The
    rocks were ejected
    by the impact that
    formed Camelot
    Crater, and their
    angular shapes
    and relative lack
    of dust coating
    are evidence of the
    crater’s young age,
    about 70 million
    to 80 million years.
    This stereo view
    was assembled
    from images made
    by Cernan for
    his panorama at
    Geology Station 5.

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