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Dutch helo


HWIC at Gilze-Rijen

56 // OCTOBER 2018 #367

Above: CH-47D Chinook D-102
practises brown-out infi ltration/
exfi ltration of special forces. All
photos Frank Visser/Northern Skies
Aviation unless stated Left: A CH-47D
loadmaster/gunner tackles a target
at the range. Each CH-47D/F was
equipped with three machine guns,
one on each side of the cabin and
one on the ramp.

he 11th Helicopter
Weapons Instructor
Course (HWIC) began
at Gilze-Rijen Air Base in
January under the Defence
Helicopter Command (DHC).
The DHC is responsible for all
rotary-wing squadrons of both
the Royal Netherlands Navy (7
and 860 Squadrons at De Kooy, flying
the NH90) plus the Royal Netherlands Air
Force (RNLAF) units located at Gilze-Rijen.
The latter station is home to three flying
units: 298 Squadron flying the CH-47D/F
Chinook, 300 Squadron flying the AS532U2
Cougar and 301 Squadron flying the AH-64D
Apache. Meanwhile, 302 Squadron at Fort
Hood, Texas is responsible for initial mission-
qualification training of aircrews, utilising a
fleet of Dutch-owned Apaches and Chinooks.
The fourth flying squadron at Gilze-Rijen
is 299 Squadron, responsible for training
aircrews on all three RNLAF types, using
aircraft from the different units. The squadron

also has access to a flight simulator
for training Apache pilots.

One of 299 Squadron’s
sections is the TACTES,
responsible for Tactics,
Training, Evaluation and
Standardisation within DHC
and for organising HWIC.
The section serves as a stand-
alone entity and comprises staff
with expertise in operations, intel,
logistics, loading and mission
support planning. TACTES is
headed by Maj Martin (full name withheld on
security grounds), an extremely experienced
Apache pilot who has flown missions in Bosnia,
Djibouti and Afghanistan, and ran the first HWIC
back in 2005. After serving as commander of
131 Squadron – responsible for basic training
of all future RNLAF pilots – he has been in
charge of TACTES since 2015. This year he
was supervising HWIC for the fourth time.

The cream of rotary-wing pilots and loadmasters are taken to their
limits during the prestigious weapons instructor training courses held
by the Dutch Defence Helicopter Command. Ludo Mennes and
Frank Visser report on this year’s exercise at Gilze-Rijen.


the next level

and 860 Squadrons at De Kooy, flying

also has access to a flight simulator
for training Apache pilots.

One of 299 Squadron’s
sections is the TACTES,
responsible for Tactics,
Training, Evaluation and
Standardisation within DHC
and for organising HWIC.


56-61 Chinooks AFM Oct2018.indd 56 9/10/2018 10:03:17 AM

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