Small Animal Dermatology, 3rd edition

(Tina Sui) #1

chapter 8 Acne (Canine and Feline)................................


 Chronic inflammatory disorder of the chin and lips of young animals.

 Characterized primarily by abnormal follicular keratinization with secondary folli-

culitis and furunculosis, comedones rare in the dog/common in the cat.

 Secondary bacterial invasion is common in both dogs and cats.

Recognized almost exclusively in short-coated canine breeds
Also known as muzzle folliculitis/furunculosis
Hormones (increased androgen turnover) not a significant trigger; local trauma

and genetic predisposition more important role
Mechanical irritation may facilitate development of lesions by causing breakage

of the short hairs below the surface of the epidermis and subsequent follicular
inflammation and rupture
Exposed keratin may trigger a foreign body inflammatory reaction.

Potential triggers include poor grooming habits, production of abnormal sebum/

seborrhea, hair follicle dysplasia, viral infection, atopic disease, and immunosup-


 Canine predisposed short-coated breeds: boxers, doberman pinschers, English bull-

dogs, Great Danes, weimaraners, mastiffs, rottweilers, German short-haired pointers,
and pit bull terriers.

 Feline: no age, breed or gender predisposition.

 Young dogs: under 1 year of age.

 Initial stages: accentuation of follicular ostia, comedones (55% of feline cases remain

in this stage), mild crusting, mild erythema, and swelling of rostral chin.

 Progression: the area may become minimally to markedly swollen with numerous

erythematous papules and pustules (folliculitis); if chin swelling is noted in the cat,
consider eosinophilic granuloma as a differential.

 Advanced stages: lesions may be exudative and indicate a secondary deep bacterial


Blackwell’s Five-Minute Veterinary Consult Clinical Companion: Small Animal Dermatology, Third Edition.
Karen Helton Rhodes and Alexander H. Werner.
©2018 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Published 2018 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

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