Small Animal Dermatology, 3rd edition

(Tina Sui) #1


 Cytology of skin surface: bacteria folliculitis and/orMalasseziadermatitis.

 Examination of plucked hairs: macromelanosomes and structural abnormalities in

follicular dysplasia and color dilution alopecia.

 Dermatohistopathology required for diagnosis.

 Genetic testing available for select disorders; Antagene-Lyon, France; Medical Genet-

ics Department at The University of Pennsylvania School of Veterinary Medicine,


 These disorders are characterized by damage to the integrity of the epidermal lipid

barrier which results in accelerated TEWL; the skin attempts to heal the flawed barrier
and produce more lipid by becoming hyperplastic and hyperkeratotic; harsh topicals
may alter the “healing response” of the epidermis.

 Therapeutic focus is on identification and correction of the specific defect when pos-

sible as a means to restore the damaged epidermal lipid barrier.

 Frequent and adequate topical therapy is the cornerstone of proper treatment.

 Underbathing, rather than overbathing, is a common error.

 Diagnose and control all treatable primary and secondary diseases.

 Recurrence of secondary infections may require repeated therapy and further diag-


 Maintaining control is often life-long.

 Recent treatment emphasizes restoring epidermal barrier integrity and function.

Topical Therapy

Contact time: 5–15 minutes; greater than 15 minutes discouraged: may result in

epidermal maceration, loss of barrier function, and excessive epidermal drying
and irritation
Hypoallergenic: useful only in mild cases of dry scale and to maintain secondary

exfoliation after the primary disease has been controlled
Sulfur/salicylic acid: salicylic acid is keratolytic (aids desquamation by decreas-

ing skin pH which subsequently increases water absorption in the stratum
corneum); sulfur is keratolytic, keratoplastic, and bacteriostatic; moderately
scaly patient; not overly drying
Benzoyl peroxide: strongly keratolytic and antimicrobial; may cause irritation

and severe dryness; best for recurrent bacterial infection and/or greasiness
Ethyl lactate: antimicrobial; not as irritating or drying as benzoyl peroxide; most

useful for moderate bacterial folliculitis and dry scale
Chlorhexidine: antimicrobial; mildly drying; useful for moderate bacterial folli-

culitis andMalasseziadermatitis; often combined with antifungal agents (e.g.,
miconazole, ketoconazole)
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