Amateur Photographer - UK (2019-08-23)

(Antfer) #1

subscribe 0330 333 1113 I I 17 August 2019 35

Drew ’s

top tips

Drew reveals his top seven
tips for editing beautiful and
eye-catching portraits


Colour theory
Having a colour harmony in mind
can really help with your creative
process. Adobe Colour Wheel is free,
and can be found easily on the internet.


Skin retouching
Using the ‘local dodge and burn’
retouching method will ensure you
avoid blurring pixels, and it creates
a more natural edit.


Only brighten the opposite side to
the catch light; this is how light travels
in and out of our eyes.


Create depth in camera with
foreground and background elements,
using your editing software with
complementary colours or using
global dodge and burn.


The original
Keep referring to the original
photograph by keeping it on the bottom
layer in Photoshop; it’s easy to over edit!


Sleep on it
After you’re happy with your edit,
sleep on it. I’ve often returned back to
an edit and noticed areas I’ve missed
the day before.


Send your edit to friends in the
same industry and ask for their honest
opinion. Try not to be offended, as

4 Final touches
Back to Capture One where I applied the fi nal
touches: a Silver Rich fi lm grain, shifted the
blues towards cyan, added red into the shadows,
gave the image a slight vignette, added a subtle
cooler shift in the white balance, and fi nally a
touch of Clarity to boost the midtones.

offers some sound
printing and
presentation advice for
Drew’s portrait print.
‘With this portrait, Drew
Buckler has created a
fantastic composition.
He defi nitely knows how to play with light
and shadow, using draped lace to place
the woman at the centre of attention.
This photo would work best as an
Original Photo Print Under Acrylic Glass.
At, you’ll receive an
award-winning, premium product with
several options to make the most of your
image. With a matte surface, you can

achieve an elegant look without glare.
If you want to add a frame, our black
Aluminium ArtBox is a subtle and
harmonious addition. On the other hand,
glossy acrylic glass – which is available
in 2mm, 4mm, or 6mm – would really
emphasise the image’s brilliant colours.
Adding our white Pop Art Frame would
make it look even more sophisticated.
Another glossy and very durable option
is WhiteWall’s HD Metal Print, which can
be hung outside. It offers rich colours
and would work perfectly with our black
Shadow Box Frame. So Drew has many
options to consider there.’
Jan-Ole Schmidt, Product Manager

WhiteWall recommends


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