Biology Now, 2e

(Ben Green) #1
Battling Resistance ■ 219

only means by which new alleles are generated.
DNA mutations create new alleles at random,
thereby providing the raw material for evolution.
In this sense, all evolutionary change depends
ultimately on mutation. Mutations can stimulate
the rapid evolution of populations by providing
new genetic variation—differences in genotypes
between individuals within a population. Then,
natural selection and other mechanisms of
evolution act on the resulting phenotypes.
In sexually reproducing species, genetic
mutations that occur in an organism’s germ line
cells—the cell lineage that produces gametes
such as eggs and sperm—can contribute to
evolution. Mutations in other cells of the body,
such as skin or blood cells, can affect the indi-
vidual by causing cancer or other problems, but
those mutations are not passed to that individ-
ual’s offspring. If mutations are not passed to
offspring, they cannot contribute to evolution.

As Gilmore searched for patterns among

the cases of VRSA infection, he noticed some

peculiar things. First, most of the infections

were turning up in people with diabetes, typi-

cally in bad foot wounds. Second, in most cases,

when scientists looked closely at the samples,

they saw not only staph but also a small spher-

ical bacterium called Enterococcus, which had

evolved resistance to vancomycin years earlier

(Figure 12.11). Upon close observation, Gilmore

and others noted that the enterococci, grow-

ing cozily side by side with staph, contained a

vancomycin-resistance gene identical to the one

in the staph. The presence of this gene suggested

that staph had acquired vancomycin resistance

directly from Enterococcus, rather than via

random mutations in its own genome.

New alleles in a species emerge via mutation.

A mutation is a change in the sequence of any

segment of DNA in an organism, and it is the

Small-beaked birds fed
efficiently on soft seeds.

Large-beaked birds
could crack hard seeds.







10 12 14 16 18


Width of lower beak (mm)

Number of birds

No birds with beaks
of intermediate size
survived because
they fed inefficiently
on both hard and
soft seeds.

Blue bars indicate the
young birds that died.

Some small- and large-beaked young
birds (red bars) survived the dry season.

Figure 12.9

Disruptive selection for beak size
Among a group of young African seed crackers
hatched in one year, only those with small or
large beaks survived the dry season, when seeds
were scarce. Although many of the small- and
large-beaked birds did not survive, none of the
intermediate-beaked birds survived.

Q1: Almost all birds starved during the
dry season depicted here. What type of
selection would have been present if only
the intermediate-beaked birds had survived
(instead of the small- and large-beaked

Q2: Describe a scenario in which African
seed crackers would experience directional
selection for either smaller- or larger-
beaked birds. What kind of environmental
conditions might bring about such a

Q3: Of the three patterns of natural
selection presented in this discussion,
which one always results in two different
phenotypes in the following generations?
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