Biology Now, 2e

(Ben Green) #1

256 ■ CHAPTER 14 The History of Life


like a bird and the more it looked like a raptor.
Early birds have small, thick skulls and two toes
on each foot; Archaeopteryx, on the other hand,
has a long, almost pointy skull and three toes on
its feet. “Archaeopteryx is just so different from
other early birds,” says Xu.
Xu published his revised evolutionary tree in

  1. It took the scientific world by storm. Some
    researchers embraced the idea: “Perhaps the
    time has come to finally accept that Archaeop-
    teryx was just another small, feathered bird-like
    theropod fluttering around in the Jurassic,” wrote
    one paleontologist in the journal Nature. Others
    disagreed, arguing that Xu’s analysis was not
    convincing. For them, Archaeopteryx remained
    the first bird.

The History of Life on Earth

Xu knew that one new fossil was but a single
shred of evidence and therefore unlikely, by
itself, to convince the scientific community.
“The evidence is not very strong,” he admits,
“but it was a question we wanted to discuss and
add more analyses to, including old and new
fossils.” The identity of the first bird is important
because our understanding of how flight evolved
is based on the classification of Archaeopteryx.
If Archaeopteryx is not the species from which
flight evolved, then our understanding of flight
is wrong.
Xu’s redesign of the early bird evolutionary
tree raised another important question: Did
flight evolve more than once? If Archaeopteryx,
which looked capable of flight, was a bird, then
flight probably evolved just once among dino-
saurs, in the avian lineage. If Archaeopteryx
was not a bird, and was instead simply a raptor
that could fly, then flight evolved at least twice
among dinosaurs, once in raptors and once in
avians—but only avians went on to evolve into
modern birds.
Biological classification helps us answer
important evolutionary questions like these. In
addition to recognizing three broad domains of
life, biologists group the Eukarya into four dis -
tinct kingdoms, the second-highest level in the
hierarchical classification of life (Figure 14.8).

in question was assumed to be Archaeopteryx,
and the shared traits included feathers, clawed
hands, and a long, bony tail.
By comparing Xiaotingia to Archaeopteryx
and other related species, Xu created a new evolu-
tionary tree of early birds (Figure 14.6, bottom).
Suddenly, Archaeopteryx wasn’t in the avian clade.
Instead, Archaeopteryx and Xiaotingia were in a
different clade, grouped with deinonychosaurs—
the small, birdlike, carnivorous dinosaurs
commonly called raptors. (The term “raptor”
refers to carnivorous modern birds like hawks and
owls, but it is also used informally to describe this
group of dinosaurs.) Archaeopteryx, Xu believed,
was not the first bird, but a raptor. It had feathers,
but its descendants did not evolve into birds.
“It was a big change,” says Xu. Yet, he adds, it
wasn’t entirely unexpected. In the last 20 years,
more and more fossils of early avian species have
been discovered—and the more Xu compared
Archaeopteryx, discovered in Europe, to other
early birds discovered in China, the less it looked







The history of
life begins with
the common
ancestor of all
living organisms
at the root of
the tree.

Common ancestor
of the Eukarya

ancestral cell
or universal

Figure 14.8

The tree of life

The domains Bacteria and Archaea do not have separate kingdoms within

them. The domain Eukarya encompasses four kingdoms: Protista (protists,

an artificial grouping that includes organisms such as amoebas and algae),

Plantae (plants), Fungi (including yeasts and mushroom-producing species),

and Animalia (animals).

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