Amazon on Fire ■ 337
cycling, see Chapter 21.) One way that carbon
is transferred between the biotic and abiotic
worlds is through combustion—the burning of
carbon-rich materials, living or not.
Some of the organic matter from ancient
organisms has been transformed by geologic
processes into deposits of fossil fuels such as
petroleum, coal, and natural gas. When we
extract these fossil fuels and burn them to meet
our energy needs, the carbon that was locked
in these deposits for hundreds of millions of
years is released into the atmosphere as carbon
Plants also release carbon back into the
atmosphere when they are burned. To assess the
amount of carbon released by a burning rainfor-
est, Balch and her team measured the amount
of leaf litter and branches—the biomass—on
the forest floor both before and after a burn,
as well as the number of trees affected. Half of
that biomass is carbon, so half of the difference
between the biomass before and after the burn is
the amount of carbon that was released into the
atmosphere. It was a lot.
The very first burn, for example, released
“about 20 tons of carbon per hectare,” says Balch.
That’s approximately equal to the carbon emit-
ted by a passenger car driven 864,000 miles
(burning about 40,000 gallons of gasoline). And
burns have another, indirect, detrimental effect
that Balch wasn’t able to directly measure: they
destroy trees that normally absorb carbon diox-
ide from the air. In a normal year, trees in the
Amazon absorb approximately 1.5 billion tons of
carbon dioxide, helping to slow climate change.
In this way, they act as a carbon sink, a natural
or artificial reservoir that absorbs more carbon
than it releases.
But during the 2005 drought, as trees died
and rotted, the rainforest stopped absorbing
more carbon dioxide than it gave off, and it
actually released carbon into the atmosphere.
In 2005, 5 billion tons of carbon were released.
Instead of acting as a carbon sink, the Amazon
became a carbon source, a reservoir that releases
more carbon than it absorbs (Figure 18.15).
And with increasing temperatures, decreasing
rainfall, and increasing wildfires, ecologists fear
that the Amazon could transition more and more
into a carbon source instead of a carbon sink.
If that happens, our planet will lose one of its
greatest buffers against future climate change.
Figure 18.15
Carbon sinks and sources
Q1: How does a carbon source contribute to global warming?
Q2: How does a carbon sink protect against global warming?
Q3: How can trees act as both a source and a sink?
A carbon sink
absorbs more CO 2
than it gives off.
A carbon source
gives off more CO 2
than it absorbs.
Waiting and Watching
Balch and her crew have stopped burning the
plots and have begun to record what happens
to them as they recover. In addition to making
direct observations of which plants grow back
and how their growth affects the water and
carbon cycles, the team is conducting new exper-
iments on the burned plots to see whether it is
possible to help prevent the invasion of grasses
and encourage a return to rainforest.
In one area, the scientists are planning to
plant different types of trees to see whether
particular species can successfully reestab-
lish themselves in a mat of grasses and retake
that land. Another experiment, also still in the
planning phase, will test different amounts of
watering to see whether the lack of precipitation