
(Michael S) #1
(a) Monocarpellary syncarpous
(b) Monocarpellary apocarpous
(c) Multicarpellary syncarpous
(d) Multicarpellary apocarpous

  1. Which of the following does not lead to the formation
    of clones?
    (a) Double fertilisation
    (b) Apomixis
    (c) Vegetative reproduction
    (d) Tissue culture

  2. Nucellar polyembryony is reported in
    (a) Gossypium (b) Triticum
    (c) Brassica (d) Citrus.

  3. Refer the following flowchart and identify the type of
    cell division represented by A, B and C.

(a) A-Meiosis-I, B-Mitosis, C-Meiosis-II
(b) A-Meiosis-I, B-Meiosis-II, C-Mitosis
(c) A-Mitosis, B-Meiosis-II, C-Meiosis-I
(d) A-Mitosis, B-Mitosis, C-Meiosis-I

True or False

  1. In over 60% of angiosperms, the pollen grains are
    shed at 3 celled stage.

  2. Pollen grain exine has prominent apertures called
    germ pores, where sporopollenin is present.

  3. A typical angiosperm embryo sac, at maturity, is
    8-celled and 7 nucleate.

  4. Plant breeders can manipulate pollen-pistil interaction,
    even in incompatible pollinations, to get desired

  5. Though seeds differ greatly, the early stages of
    embryogeny is similar in both monocotyledons and

  6. Seeds are produced without fertilisation in apomixis,
    which is a form of sexual reproduction.

  7. Self incompatibility in plants leads to outbreeding and
    maintains vigour and vitality of the race.

  8. The seed of Lupinus arcticus from Arctic Tundra
    germinated and flowered after an estimated record
    of 10,000 years of dormancy.
    24. The coconut water from tender coconut is cellular
    and the surrounding white kernel is free-nuclear
    25. Some plants can produce both chasmogamous and
    cleistogamous flowers.
    match The columns
    26. Match Column-I with Column-II.
    Column-I Column-II
    A. Microsporogenesis (i) Pollinia
    B. Calotropis (ii) Aristolochia
    C. Pitfall mechanism (iii) Urtica
    D. Gun-powder (iv) Date palm
    E. Lever mechanism (v) Viola
    F. Nectar guides (vi) Salvia
    G. Anemophily (vii) PMC
    27. Match Column-I with Column-II. (There can be more
    than one match for items in Column-1).
    Column-I Column-II
    A. Hay fever (i) Vallisneria
    B. Hydrophily (ii) Santalum
    C. Ategmic (iii) Intine
    D. Sporoderm (iv) Definitive nucleus
    E. Central cell (v) Onion
    F. Adventive (vi) Mirabilis
    G. Protogyny (vii) Loranthus
    (viii) Amaranthus
    (ix) Gloriosa
    (x) Groundnut
    (xi) Diploid
    (xii) Exine
    (xiii) Zostera
    (xiv) Chenopodium
    passage Based Questions
    28.(A) Complete the given passage with appropriate words
    or phrases.
    (a) Double fertilisation is found only in (i) and was
    first discovered by (ii) in 1898 in (iii) and (iv).
    (b) During this, one male gamete fuses with the
    oosphere to form zygote, which is called (v)
    fertilisation, while the second male gamete fuses
    with diploid secondary nucleus, which is called
    (vi) fertilisation.

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