Biology today

(Grace) #1
chApTer-5 : prINcIpLeS OF
Multiple choice Questions

  1. In a dihybrid test cross when double heterozygote is used
    as an individual what ratio will be obtained?
    (a) 2:1 (b) 1:2:1
    (c) 3:1 (d) 1:1:1:1

  2. In garden pea, round shape of seeds is dominant over
    wrinkled shape. A pea plant heterozygous for round shape
    of seed is selfed and 1600 seeds produced during the cross
    are subsequently germinated. How many seedlings will have
    the parental phenotype?
    (a) 400 (b) 1600
    (c) 1200 (d) 800

  3. Two plants one with black flower and other with white
    coloured flower were crossed in an experiment. In the next
    generation grey coloured flowers were obtained. The reason
    for the result is
    (a) incomplete dominance (b) pseudodominance
    (c) codominance (d) none of the above.

  4. In sickle cell anaemia, the sequence of amino acids from the
    first to the seventh position of the b-chain of haemoglobin
    S(HbS) is
    (a) His, Leu, Thr, Pro, Glu, Val, Val
    (b) Val, His, Leu, Thr, Pro, Glu, Glu
    (c) Thr, His, Pro, Val, Pro, Val, Glu
    (d) Val, His, Leu, Thr, Pro, Val, Glu.
    5. Variation of skin colour in human beings is an example
    (a) epistasis
    (b) co-dominance
    (c) criss-cross inheritance
    (d) polygenic inheritance.
    6. Down’s syndrome is
    (a) caused due to gene mutation
    (b) caused due to aneuploidy of sex chromosome
    (c) caused due to loss of one sex chromosome from the
    diploid set
    (d) an autosomal aneuploidy.
    7. Chromosomal mechanism of sex determination in man and
    Drosophila is of
    (a) XX–XY type (b) XX–XO type
    (c) ZW–ZZ type (d) (a) and (b).
    8. Linkage was discovered by
    (a) Miller (b) Morgan
    (c) De Vries (d) Mendel.
    9. A child has blood group ‘O’. If father has blood group ‘A’
    and mother has blood group ‘B’, work out the genotypes
    of the parents.
    (a) IAIA and IBi (b) IAi and IBi
    (c) IAi and ii (d) ii and IBIB
    10. Rate of mutation is affected by
    (a) temperature (b) X-rays
    (c) gamma rays (d) all of these.


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