Biology today

(Grace) #1
chApTer-6 : MOLecULAr BASIS OF INherITANce
Multiple choice Questions

  1. DNA consists of two complementary polynucleotide
    chains. If the sequence of nucleotides in one of the chains
    is AGCTTCGA, then the nucleotide sequence in the other
    chain shall be

  2. Anticodon is a base triplet present on
    (a) mRNA, complementary to base sequence on rRNA
    (b) mRNA, complementary to base sequence on tRNA
    (c) tRNA, complementary to base sequence on rRNA
    (d) tRNA, complementary to base sequence on mRNA.

  3. DNA and RNA are different molecules as
    (a) DNA has cytosine and RNA has guanine
    (b) DNA has uracil and RNA has thymine
    (c) DNA is a micromolecule and RNA is a macromolecule
    (d) DNA has thymine and RNA has uracil.

  4. The concept of central dogma is
    (a) protein → RNA 
    (b) protein  → RNA
    (c) RNA → → protein
    (d) → RNA → protein

  5. 61 codons code for 20 different types of amino acids. This
    property of genetic code is called
    (a) colinearity (b) polarity
    (c) degeneracy (d) nonambiguity.

  6. In a double stranded DNA molecule, the percentage
    of cytosine is 18. What would be the percentage of
    (a) 32% (b) 64%
    (c) 36% (d) 18%

  7. In lac operon, the genes a, i, y and z code respectively
    (a) repressor protein, permease, b-galactosidase,
    (b) transacetylase, permease, b-galactosidase, repressor
    (c) permease, transacetylase, repressor protein,
    (d) transacetylase, repressor protein, permease,

  8. The result of which of the following reaction experiments
    carried out by Avery et. al. on Streptococcus pneumoniae
    proved conclusively that DNA is the genetic material?
    (a) Live ‘R’ strain + DNA from ‘S’ strain + RNase
    (b) Live ‘R’ strain + DNA from ‘S’ strain + DNase

(c) Live ‘R’ strain + Denatured DNA of ‘S’ strain +
(d) Heat killed ‘R’ strain + DNA from ‘S’ strain +

  1. Which of the following statements regarding ‘human
    genome’ is incorrect?
    (a) Human genome consists of 3 × 10^9 bp and about
    20,000-25,000 genes.
    (b) The average gene size is 3000 bp and the gene for
    Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy is the largest known
    human gene.
    (c) Chromosome 1 contains maximum (2968) number
    of genes and the Y-chromosome has the least (231)
    number of genes.
    (d) Repeated (or repetitive) sequences are not present in
    human genome.

  2. Arrange the various steps of DNA fingerprinting process in
    the correct order.
    (i) Separation of DNA fragments by electrophoresis.
    (ii) Digestion of DNA by restriction endonucleases.
    (iii) Hybridisation using labelled VNTR probes.
    (iv) Isolation of DNA.
    (v) Detection of hybridised DNA fragments by auto
    (vi) Transferring the separated DNA fragments to
    nitrocellulose membrane.
    (a) (iv) → (ii) → (i) → (vi) → (iii) → (v)
    (b) (iv) → (i) → (ii) → (iii) → (vi) → (v)
    (c) (ii) → (i) → (iv) → (vi) → (iii) → (v)
    (d) (iii) → (v) → (iv) → (ii) → (i) → (vi)

True or False

  1. Repetitive DNA is the DNA having multiple copies of
    identical sequences of nitrogen bases.

  2. The process of copying genetic information from one strand
    of the DNA into RNA is termed as translation.

  3. DNA has evolved from RNA with chemical modifications
    that made it more stable.

  4. Polycistronic mRNA is more common in prokaryotes
    whereas monocistronic mRNA is common in eukaryotes.

  5. Induction is turning off of an operon which normally remains
    switched on.

  6. Single stranded RNA is the genetic material in reovirus.

  7. Lagging strand does not require DNA ligase.

  8. DNA replication in eukaryotes is semiconservative,
    semidiscontinuous and bidirectional.

  9. An auxotroph is a mutant which is not able to prepare its
    own metabolites from the raw materials obtained from

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