Biology today

(Grace) #1
Figure Based Questions

  1. Refer to the given figure and answer the following
    Peak gets
    higher and

Two peaks form

Number of
individuals with


Phenotypes favoured
by natural selection
Medium sized
are favoured

Peak shifts
in one




(a) Identify the graphs A, B and C.
(b) Briefly describe the characteristics of graph C.

(c) Which graph shows progressive selection?

  1. Refer to the given figure and answer the following

(a) Identify the given figure and the labelled parts A, B, C
and D.
(b) In the given figure, which gases were used to simulate
primitive atmosphere?
(c) Briefly describe the experiment given in the figure.


  1. (d) 2. (c) 3. (a) 4. (d) 5. (d)

  2. (d) 7. (a) 8. (b) 9. (b) 10. (d)

  3. True

  4. false : Recessive gene is unable to express itself in the
    presence of dominant allele.

  5. True 14. True

  6. false : Down’s syndrome is an autosomal aneuploidy
    caused by the presence of an extra chromosome number

  7. false : Allosomes or sex chromosomes in birds are ZW-ZZ

  8. false : Linked genes are located on the same chromosome
    and do not show independent assortment.

  9. True 19. True 20. True

  10. A-(ii), B-(iii), C-(v), D-(i), E-(iv)

  11. A-(ii, v), B-(iii, vi), C-(i, iv), D-(viii, x), E-(vii, ix)
    23.(A) (i) autosomal (ii) recessive
    (iii) homozygous recessive (affected individual)
    (iv) phenylalanine hydroxylase
    (v) phenylalanine
    (vi) tyrosine (vii) liver
    (viii) hyperphenylalaninemia
    (ix) chromosome 12
    (x) substitution

(B) In a pedigree chart, a square represents the female male,
a circle represents the male female, solid (blackened)
symbol shows the trait under study or affected individual;
unaffected or normal individuals are shown by crossed
open or shaded clear symbol and open crossed or clear
shaded symbol signifies the carrier individual. Parents are
shown by vertical horizontal line while their offsprings are
connected to it by a horizontal vertical line. The offsprings
are then shown in the form of a horizontal line above below
the parents and numbered with roman arabic numerals.
Each generation is given an arabic a roman numeral and
a separate row or horizontal line.

  1. (a) 25. (a) 26. (c) 27. (d) 28. (a)

  2. (a) P – Aa
    Q – aa
    R – Aa
    S – aa
    T – aa
    (b) The trait illustrated in the given figure is an autosomal
    recessive trait. It appears in case of marriage between
    two heterozygous individual (Aa × Aa = 2Aa + 1aa),
    a recessive individual with hybrid (Aa × aa = 2Aa

    • 2aa) and two recessive (aa × aa = all aa). For
      example, fused ear lobe, alkaptonuria, etc.

  3. (a) W – Deletion
    X – Duplication
    Y – Inversion
    Z – Reciprocal translocation


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