Biology today

(Grace) #1

• The cells remain metabolically active.
• They usually grow in size, assume particular shape and come
to have a particular function. The phenomenon is called cell
differentiation. Hence, this phase may be temporary or

Regulation of cell cycle
• a cell’s ‘decision’ to divide or not is of crucial importance
to the organism. When regulatory mechanisms that limit
cell division are defective and cells undergo unregulated
division, the result is catastrophic– cancer.

• The molecular events that control the cell cycle are ordered
and directional; that is, each process occurs in a sequential
fashion and it is impossible to “reverse” the cycle.

Role of cyclins and cDKs
• Two key classes of regulatory molecules, cyclins and cyclin-
dependent protein kinases (CDKs), determine a cell’s
progress through the cell cycle.
• Cyclins are proteins that activate protein kinases to regulate
eukaryotic cell cycle.
• Cyclins form the regulatory subunits and CDKs form the
catalytic subunits of an activated heterodimer.
• Cyclins have no catalytic activity and CDKs are inactive in the
absence of partner cyclin.
• When activated by a bound cyclin, CDKs perform a common
biochemical reaction called phosphorylation that activates
or inactivates target proteins to orchestrate the co-ordinated
entry into the next phase of the cell cycle.
• Different cyclin-CDK combinations determine the downstream
targeted proteins.
• CDKs are constitutively expressed in cells whereas cyclins are
synthesised at specific stages of the cell cycle, in response to
various molecular signals.

general mechanism of cyclin-cDK
• upon receiving a pro-mitotic extracellular signal, G 1 cyclin-
CDK complexes become active to prepare the cell for S
phase, promoting the expression of transcription factors that
in turn promote the expression of S cyclins and of enzymes
required for DNa replication. The G 1 cyclin-CDK complexes
also promote the degradation of molecules that function as
S phase inhibitors.
• active S cyclin-CDK complexes phosphorylate proteins
that make up the pre-replication complexes assembled
during G 1 phase.
• The phosphorylation serves two purposes: to activate each
already-assembled pre-replication complex, and to prevent
new complexes from forming.
• This ensures that every portion of the cell’s genome will be
replicated once and only once.
• Mitotic cyclin-CDK complexes which are synthesised
but are inactivated during S and G 2 phases promote the
initiation of mitosis by stimulating downstream proteins
involved in chromosome condensation and mitotic spindle
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