Biology today

(Grace) #1

eConoMIC IMportAnCe

Beneficial mammals

Domesticated mammals
• Man has been domesticating various mammals for work
food, clothing, etc.

As food
• Meat is supplied by large even-toed ungulates, such as
cattle, buffaloes, pigs, goats, sheep, reindeer, etc.
• Milk provided by cows, buffaloes, goats, sheep, llamas,
camels, reindeers, etc. forms an important article of human
food. Ghee, butter, cheese and curd are prepared from milk.

Commercial products
• Hides of various domesticated as well as wild mammals
provide leather and fur, used for the manufacture of
clothing, suitcases, bags, shoes, harness, saddles, belts, purses,
• wool of sheep is the most important animal fibre, extensively
used for weaving into cloth for winter apparels. Goats,
alpaca, camels, etc. also yield wool.
• Ambergris, used as a base in fine perfumes, is a product of
intestinal canal of sperm whales.
• Musk, used in perfumes, is obtained from the glands of
muskdeer of Central and Eastern Asia.
• blubber of baleen whale and seal provides edible fat or oil.
• Oil of sperm whale is used as a base for cosmetics and in
manufacture of candles and lubricants.
• ivory, used for making toys and in decorations, is obtained
mainly from the tusks of elephant and walrus.
• whalebone or baleen, formerly an important commercial
article, is also obtained from toothless whales.
• glue and gelatin are obtained from the skin, horns, hoofs
and bones of cattle.

beasts of burden

• Transportation has been one of the most exploited use
of mammals such as horses, cattle, mules, sheep, etc. They
have played an important role in development of human

in agriculture
• Buffaloes, yak, horses and camels are employed for
ploughing fields.
• Manure supplied by them in the form of dung and urine
nitrifies soil and yields fuel biogas. bone meal is also a
good fertiliser.
As pollinators
• Arboreal mammals which visit one tree after another in
search of fruits such as bats, squirrels, monkeys, etc. help in
the pollination of flowers.
As scavengers
• Hyaenas, jackals and common pig are of great utility to serve
as scavengers in nature.
Laboratory animals
• Rats, guinea pigs, rabbits, cats, pigs, monkeys, apes, dogs, etc.
are the common mammals extensively used in laboratories
for research and scientific studies.
harmful mammals
• Most dangerous mammals to crops are the rodents. They
destroy crops in fields, commit ravages about houses and
buildings, consume all kinds of foodstuffs and destroy
• Many wild carnivorous or predatory mammals (lions,
tigers, etc.) are constant menace to the lives of people and

Disease carriers
• Rodents are the worst carriers and distributors of the germs
of certain diseases.
• Important diseases transmitted to humans are bubonic
plague, typhus, relapsing fever, spotted fever, tularemia,
trichina, hydrophobia, etc.
• These are spread by rats, mice, pigs, cats, dogs, etc.

Some important facts

•    Hippopotamus is the second bulkiest land animal, living most of the time in water, hence called riverine horse.
• The only ape found in india is gibbon.
• blue whale is the largest living animal with a length of upto 30 -50 mts and a weight of 135 - 209 metric tonnes.
• The indian one-horned rhinoceros is the second largest land animal of india.
• The elephant has 40,000 muscles in its trunk. Not a single bone is found in it.
• Salivary glands are absent in whales and sea cows.
• Largest monkey is Mandrill. Smallest monkey is Pigmy marmoset.
• Sambar stag is the largest deer of india.
• Hangul (Kashmiri stag, red deer) is the world famous red deer.
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