Cell - 8 September 2016

(Amelia) #1

Figure S6. Localizing TFIIF Subunits with Integrative Modeling and Cross-linking, Related toFigure 2
(A) Localizing TFIIF subunits (Tfg1-3) on pol II. Integrative modeling using EM and cross-linking restraints generates subunit localization densities (left) that
indicate the position of each TFIIF subunit within the Med-PIC structure. The best integrative modeling solution positions homology models for TFIIF subunits
within the Med-PIC EM map (right).
(B) Tfg1 localization density (blue) and supporting cross-links. Only the cross-links from the current study responsible for positioning Tfg1 withrespect to the pol II-
GTF core (Tfg1-Rpb2 and Tfg1-TFIIB cross-links) are shown for clarity. Cross-links from both modeled (residues 94–417) and unmodeled (1–93 and 418–735)
regions of Tfg1 to modeled regions of the pol II-GTF core are shown.
(C) Tfg2 localization density (cyan) and supporting cross-links. Only cross-links between modeled regions of Tfg2 (54-140, 210-227 and 291-359) and modeled
regions of the GTFs are shown for clarity.
(D) Tfg3 localization density (magenta) and supporting cross-links. All cross-links between Tfg3 and the pol II-GTF core are shown.

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