
(lily) #1

  1. Read the following statements regarding transpiration and
    select the correct option.
    I. Transpiration is the loss of liquid droplets from the
    II. Low atmospheric pressure inhibits transpiration.
    III. Transpiration maintains the shape and structure of
    plant parts.
    IV. Cuticular transpiration takes place only during day time.
    (a) I and II only (b) I, II and III only
    (c) III and IV only (d) III only

  2. Identify A, B, and C in the given figure showing cyclic

(a) Ferredoxin Plastoquinone Plastocyanin
(b) Plastocyanin Plastoquinone Ferredoxin
(c) Plastoquinone Cytochrome a 3 Plastocyanin
(d) Cytochrome a 3 Ferredoxin Plastoquinone

  1. Match the nutrient elements in column I with their disease
    symptoms in column II.

Column I Column II
P. Copper (i) Interveinal chlorosis
appearing first in young leaves
Q. Manganese (ii) Bronze colour in leaves
R. Chlorine (iii) Loss of apical dominance
S. Iron (iv) Interveinal chlorosis
T. Boron (v) Exanthema
(a) P-(ii), Q-(iv), R-(i), S-(v), T-(iii)
(b) P-(v), Q-(iv), R-(ii), S-(i), T-(iii)
(c) P-(iii), Q-(v), R-(iv), S-(ii), T-(i)
(d) P-(v), Q-(i), R-(iii), S-(ii), T-(iv)

  1. Who coined the term ‘root pressure’?
    (a) Schwendener (b) Catalado
    (c) Stephen Hales (d) Kramer

  2. Consider the following statements and choose the incorrect
    (a) Light compensation point is a point in light intensity
    when no gaseous exchange is observed between the
    environment and the photosynthetic organ illuminated
    by that light intensity.
    (b) At a very high oxygen content, the rate of photosynthesis
    begins to decline in all plants, this phenomenon is
    called Warburg effect.
    (c) Red light stimulates protein synthesis while blue light
    favours carbohydrate accumulation.
    (d) Temperature does not influence light reactions of
    photosynthesis but affects the enzyme controlled dark

Total Marks : 160 Time Taken : 40 Min.


his specially designed column enables students to self analyse their
extent of understanding of specified chapters. Give yourself four
marks for correct answer and deduct one mark for wrong answer.
Self check table given at the end will help you to check your

Class XI

sTransport in Plants
s Mineral Nutrition

s Photosynthesis in Higher Plants

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