The Times Magazine - UK (2022-04-16)

(Antfer) #1

30 The Times Magazine


Serves 2

A very simple but tasty dish. Make sure you
select mushrooms with nice deep caps and not
flat ones – you want the egg to neatly fit inside.

  • 2 Portobello mushrooms, stalks removed

  • 150g cherry tomatoes on the vine

  • Spray oil

  • 1 tsp harissa paste, or other chilli sauce

  • 2 small eggs

  • 125g fine asparagus spears, woody
    ends trimmed

  • Salt and pepper

  • Parsley leaves, chopped, to serve

  1. Preheat the oven to 220C (240C non-fan).

  2. Place the mushrooms cap-side down on a
    baking tray and arrange the tomatoes around
    them. Spray the mushrooms and tomatoes
    with a little oil and pop into the oven to bake
    for 18 minutes.

  3. Remove the tray from the oven. Turn the
    mushrooms over so that they are cap-side up.
    Spoon ½ tsp harissa into each mushroom cap
    and spread it around.
    4. Crack an egg into a small bowl and tip
    carefully into a mushroom cap. Repeat with
    the other egg and mushroom cap. Try to keep
    them contained in the mushrooms, but if they
    overspill slightly it’s not the end of the world.
    5. Arrange the asparagus in any gaps around
    the tray and spray with a little more oil, then
    season everything with salt and pepper.
    6. Carefully return the tray to the oven, trying
    not to spill the egg. Bake for 4 minutes, in
    which time the white of the egg should be
    cooked through but the yolk should still be
    runny. Serve at once, scattered with parsley.

NOTE For meat eaters – add bacon to the
tray in step 2 when you roast the tomatoes
and mushrooms.


Serves 4

Quinoa is an alternative to rice or couscous.
It is gluten-free and high in fibre and protein,
and is cooked here in a similar way to a risotto.

  • Spray oil

  • 1 onion, finely chopped

    • 300g chestnut mushrooms, sliced

    • 2 garlic cloves, crushed

    • 200g quinoa

    • 1 litre hot vegetable stock

    • 175g frozen petits pois, defrosted

    • 1 large courgette, finely chopped

    • Salt and pepper

    • 3 tbsp red pesto

To serve

  • Large handful of basil leaves

  • Parmesan cheese, grated (optional)

  1. Spray a sauté pan or nonstick flameproof
    casserole dish (with a lid) with oil and fry the
    onion and mushrooms gently for 8 minutes.
    Add the garlic and stir through, then add
    the quinoa.

  2. Pour 500ml hot stock into the pan and
    allow to simmer gently for 10 minutes, stirring
    occasionally. Now pour in the remaining
    500ml stock, bring up to a fast simmer
    and simmer for 5 minutes.

  3. Add the peas and courgette, season with salt
    and pepper and simmer for 5 more minutes.

  4. Remove from the heat and stir through
    the pesto. Place the lid on the pan and
    leave to stand for 5 minutes.

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‘Quinoa is high in protein and is a great alternative to rice – this is like a risotto’

CALS 134

CALS 299

Pip Payne
Chris Terry
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