
(Dana P.) #1

6 :12. Suppose that tooth dentin has an absorption coefficient of 6 cm−^1 and a
scattering coefficient of 1200 cm−^1 for a HeNe laser emitting at a wavelength
of 633 nm. Show that the optical albedo of this dental tissue is 0.995.
6 :13. Consider the cylindrical diffuser device of length L shown in Fig.6.22.
Assume the diffuser produces a uniform radial distribution along the length
of thefiber and that 80 % of the input power is radiated out of the diffuser.
If P is the optical power level input to the diffuser, what is the irradiance at a
distance R from the center of the cylinder?
6 :14. Consider a Nd:YAG laser that emits at a wavelength of 1064μm. (a) If the
absorption coefficient of an irradiated abdominal tissue isμa=18cm−^1 ,
show that the optical penetration depth into the tissue is 0.56 mm.
(b) Suppose the power from a single 16-ms Nd:YAG pulse is 2.6 W and that
it is delivered to the tissue through an opticalfiber with a core radius of 300
μm. Assuming that the factorρC≈4.2 J/(cm^3 /°C) holds for tissue, show that
the maximum temperature rise in the tissue due to this pulse is 63 °C.
6 :15. Compare the radiant exposure in J/cm^2 for the following two optical pulses:

(a) A 10-ps pulse with an irradiance of 8× 1011 W/cm^2
(b) A 100-ns pulse with an irradiance of 7.3× 109 W/cm^2
(Answer: 8 J/cm^2 and 730 J/cm^2 .)


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