
(Dana P.) #1

of the genes that control the cell. The entire region between the nucleus and the
surrounding membrane is called thecytoplasm. The cytoplasm contains a semifluid
medium in which are suspended various subcellular structures calledorganelles.
Table1.7gives a summary of the various key organelles and their functions in a
eukaryotic cell.

Golgi apparatus

(5 μm diameter)





Rough ER

Smooth ER

Cytoplasm Cell membrane

Cell size
10-100 μm


Fig. 1.11 Major constituents of a eukaryotic cell

Table 1.7 Summary of the various key organelles and their functions in a eukaryotic cell

General function Organelle and its functions
Genetic control •Chromosomesin the nucleus: serve as the location for
inherited DNA, which program the synthesis of proteins

  • Nucleolusin the nucleus: produce ribosomes
    Production of macromolecules •Ribosomes: responsible for synthesis of polypeptides

  • Rough endoplasmic reticulum(ER): assist in protein
    synthesis and membrane production

  • Smooth ER: synthesize lipids; store and release calcium
    ions in muscle cells; handle liver cell functions

  • Golgi apparatus: handle chemical products of the cell
    Maintenance of the cell •Lysosomes: digest food and other materials

  • Peroxisomes: metabolize lipids and carbohydrates;
    handle enzymatic disposal of hydrogen peroxide
    Energy processing •Mitochondria: responsible for cellular respiration and
    synthesis of adenosine triphosphate (ATP)
    Support, movement, and
    communication between cells

  • Cytoskeleton: maintains cell shape, anchors organelles,
    moves cells and organelles within cells

  • Glycocalyx: protects surfaces; binds cells in tissues

  • Intercellular junctions: handle communication between
    cells; bind cells in tissues

18 1 Overview of Biophotonics

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