Grief and Loss Across the Lifespan, Second Edition

(Michael S) #1
5 Tweens and Teens 141

adults. The intensity and malleability of adolescence make it a fruitful and
exciting time to help teens as they make use of the growth opportunities inher-
ent in losses of all kinds.

Discussion Questions

  1. How has the experience of coming out as LGBTQ changed in your geo-
    graphic or practice area over the last decade? How might that affect identity
    losses for individuals who identify with one of these categories?

  2. How might schools develop services for teens who have experienced the
    death of friends so that they can be delivered as support that is not stigma-
    tizing within the school environment?

  3. Discuss with a small group the ways you could encourage teens to reveal
    that a friend/peer may be considering suicide. How might that process
    work to assure that the at-risk teen gets intervention in a respectful manner
    and that the revealing teen is not ostracized?

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