Haua Fteah Cave, east of Benghazi on the Gebel
Akhdar plateau, Cyrenaica, northern Libya.
C. B. M. McBurney and colleagues, 1952 and 1955.
Four preserved mandibular fragments: AF.O.Tl
(adult, L side) and AF.O.T2 (also L side, of subadult),
both missing lateral part of condyle (carnivore dam-
age?); HFT 52/59, anterior mandibular fragment of
adult, and HFT 52/9, fragment of adult R corpus.
Also HFT5 5 5/6, parietal fragments.
Partly subaerial deposit in eroded remnants of a large
solution cavity in a limestone plateau. Occupation
runs from Levalloiso-Mousterian right through the
present (McBurney et al., 1953). The main jaw frag-
ment was found quite low in the section, among a
scattering of mammal bones bordering a hearth, in a
level dated at about 47 Ka (Stringer and Brooks, in
Delson et al., 2000).
Levalloiso-Mousterian (McBurney et al., 1953;
McBurney, 1967), adjacent to a hearth.
First described by Trevor and Wells (in McBurney
et al., 1953), who considered the closest comparison
to be with the Mount Carmel specimens (then con-
sidered to represent a single variable population). In
the monographic treatment of the site (1967), To-
bias pointed both to certain limited “Nean-
derthaloid” resemblances, which “continue forward
from the Neandertaloids of Western Asia to the
early Homo sapiens in this area” (p. 347), and to dif-
ferences from the Mount Carmel population. Thus,
“In those respects in which they differ from the
South-west Asian fossils, the Haua Fteah remains
resemble some of the Middle and Upper Pleistocene
hominids of Africa” (Tobias, 1967: 348). It is not
clear what differentiates these specimens from
modern Homo sapiens.
AF.O.Tl: posterior part of L corpus, with ramus and
M2 and 3. Corpus damaged inferiorly and laterally;
much still covered by matrix, especially laterally.
AF.O.T2: Small, gracile subadult L ramus with crypt
for Ml. HFT 52/59 (labeled as HFT/52/9): part of
anterior region of mandible lacking teeth; region from
RC to LPs preserved; lacks inferior portion just to R
of midline. HFT 529: part of weathered R mandibu-
lar corpus, containing alveoli for C and P1, plus P2,
broken M1 and 2. Also isolated lower R molar that
could be associated; bears same number. As all appear
to represent the same morph, their preserved features