The Human Fossil Record. Volume 2 Craniodental Morphology of Genus Homo (Africa and Asia)

(Ben Green) #1

100 h F RIC A

midpoints of orbits and taper somewhat laterally;
nonpathological areas smooth. Both tori may have
had two notch-like regions, one medially and a much
longer, shallower one laterally.
Frontal rises almost directly from glabellar re-
gion; increasingly separated from supraorbital region
laterally by short, steeply upwardly sloping posttoral
plane. Brow region wide, with long indented supraor-
bital notches quite medially; glabella overhangs
nasals, with distinct crease below. Tori apparently
more or less continuous across glabella and slightly
arched on each side; tori less tall than in JI 1 and may
have thickened slightly laterally. Posttoral plane be-
hind tori more distinct, with frontal rising further
posteriorly than in JI 1. No frontal sinuses at all.
Orbital roofs moderately concave, flowing smoothly
onto smooth, curved anterior surface of supraorbital
tori. As seen on L, temporal line low, moderately
ridge-like; rises above level of supraorbital torus be-
fore arcing strongly back to reach highest point above
auditory meatus. Temporal line not detectable poste-
rior to this on either side.
Frontal and parietals very broad and curve
smoothly across. As better preserved on L, squamosal
was apparently quite long and tall s/i. Preserved L
parietal notch very marked, with long, horizontal
parietomastoid suture. Also on L, anterior squamosal
suture seems to have flowed quite smoothly into a rel-
atively shallow, not very long temporal fossa. Distinct
corner of alisphenoid delineates infratemporal fossa.
Suprameatal crests large, upwardly oriented; only on
L, this crest flows into a large, vertically deflected
supramastoid crest. Articular fossae short a/p and not
very wide m/l. Fossae bounded by tall, vertical, some-
what anteriorly arcuate walls that flow smoothly onto
sphenotemporal surfaces. On L, a somewhat small
medial articular tubercle is preserved; may not have
entirely walled off articular fossa. As seen on R, sphe-
notemporal suture would have run down middle of
medial articular tubercle. Ectotympanic tube broken
on both sides.
Mastoid processes bulky at bases and flattened lat-
erally (also somewhat posteriorly), tapering markedly
to small, moderately projecting tips. Supramastoid
crest stout, projecting, and ridge-like, possibly continu-
ous with suprameatal region. As better seen on R,
mastoid notch narrow m/l, not very deep; continues
posteriorly as a narrow digastric fossa that opens be-
hind. Apparently there is a paramastoid (not occipito-
mastoid) crest. On L is an indication of a small, almost

tubercle-like, Waldeyer's crest. Occipital very broad and
may not have been very tall. Occipital plane short and
undercut by much longer nuchal plane. As seen on L,
occipital plane delineated inferiorly by strongly
undercut, ridge-like superior nuchal line. As recon-
structed, L side of occipital bulges more than R. Lamb-
doid suture rises high and steeply. Preserved basiocciput
apparently very broad near foramen magnum and
tapers strongly toward sphenooccipital synchondrosis;
external surface rather flat, with small pharyngeal
caecum. On L, margin of foramen magnumpartially
preserved; this foramen was apparently quite long and
ovoid, with anteriorly situated condyle.
Internally, as seen on L, interior branches of
middle meningeal artery quite pronounced; other
branches not visible. As preserved on L, petrosal quite
short and tapers strongly toward tip. Petrosal contains
small (not large) air cells and bears, at most, a very low
rise above superior semicircular canal; apparently no
superior petrous sinus, and only faint indication of L
transverse sinus. Unclear whether sigmoid sinus was
single behind petrosal, or whether a small posterior
branch ran from it across posterior part of petrosal. As
seen on the R, depression for occipital lobe very small
and confined closely to midline. Depression for cere-
bellar lobe very large and faces down and back.

Jebel Irhoud 3
Juvenile mandible lacking R ramus; all teeth broken
except L dm2 and Ml; buccal side of R12, RM1;
and LM2 erupting. Teeth broken lateral to midline
on L. Also an isolated RC' with partially formed
Corpus is thin m/I, deepest at symphysis, be-
coming drastically more shallow posteriorly. Ramus
long a/p and posteriorly inclined. In profile, sym-
physeal region straight and tilts slightly back and
down. Symphyseal region broad and more or less
straight across, with slight vertical rise down midline
that fades before reaching inferior margin. Inferior
margin slightly indented on its anterior surface. In-
ternally, there is a strong and continuous curve across
symphyseal region. Under I~s, bilaterally, bone above
inferior margin slightly thickened. On the R behind
this thickening is low, blunt inferior marginal tuber-
cle. On the R is a low swelling where C is forming.
From below, midregion of inferior margin of symph-
ysis shallowly concave; this concavity flanked by the
two thickenings. Thus at symphysis, bone of inferior
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