As reconstructed, palate rather narrow; however, if
inferior margin of orbit is properly repositioned,
bones below it would move laterally, thus widening
both nasal aperture and palate, and changing orienta-
tion of inferior margin of anterior root of zygomatic
arch to a more oblique position. Palate itself would
not have been very long; it was fairly deep, being
bounded by rather steep side walls and a gently
sloping anterior surface.
Internally, part of R jugal region is preserved; it
shows three or four ethmoid air chambers and slopes
medially, suggesting a sunken cribriform area. De-
pressions for occipital lobes are small; the R is more
impressed than the L. Depressions for cerebellar
lobes larger but shallower; the L is larger than the R.
L transverse sinus larger than R both branch off
from sides of low, broad internal occipital protuber-
ance. Both sigmoid sinuses fairly vertical, appear to
have been contained solely in temporal; the R deeper
than the L. As partially preserved on the R, frontal
lobes apparently did not project greatly above orbital
On the L, C-M1 roots preserved; all strongly
compressed m/d. C root not as wide b/l as premo-
lars roots; was not very long. Both Ps had two
distinct roots that probably bifurcated close to neck;
crowns were probably quite large. M1 crown large;
two buccal roots well separated from large lingual
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National Museum of Tanzania, P. 0. Box 511, Dar es
Salaam, Tanzania.