The Human Fossil Record. Volume 2 Craniodental Morphology of Genus Homo (Africa and Asia)

(Ben Green) #1

292 A F KI c A

Bone preserved externally only from midline to ante-
rior part of P2 root. Nasoalveolar clivus long,
straight, forwardly inclined. Preserved in tiny bit of
inferior nasal margin, the lateral crest faded well be-
fore reaching midline; there was a faint spinal crest.
Internally, bone is preserved from about midline to
P2, showing moderate slope and depth. Preserved
L12 moderately shoveled. C crown large, buccally
bulging, with distinct distal margocrista; keel comes
down from crown apex and arcs mesially down to
slightly lingually swollen base, with mesial mar-
gocrista separated from base by small fissure. Distal
margocrista bounds shallow cavity. Most of P1 para-
cone missing (this was a large tooth with very stout
protocristae, its surface shallowly wrinkled). On both
Ps, protocone small and medially shifted (looks more
like cuspule than cusp). Both Ps dominated by para-
cone. P2 slightly smaller than P1 in all dimensions
and its surface more deeply creased. P2 preprotocrista
short. Postprotocrista thick; runs from base of small
protocone to internal base of larger paracone. Tooth
in position of M1 may not be M1; longer m/d than
wide b/l, curved, and slightly tapering distally. Espe-
cially, lingual cusps are internally placed and their in-
ternal sides bulbous. Short protocristae run to base of
buccal cusps, which appear to have wedge-shaped
mesostyle between them. Hypocone huge, and distin-
guished from trigon by vertical crease; enamel surface
deeply wrinkled. Tooth in position of M2 square,
with less bulbous and less internally placed lingual
cusps, larger, more invasive mesostyle, less long
hypocone, metaconule instead of postprotocrista, and
stout preprotocrista that runs mesially around para-
cone. Enamel deeply wrinkled. Quite extraordinary.

Mandible and Lower Teeth
Moderately broad but well curved across front of sym-
physis. Rami diverge posteriorly. Front of jaw uniform
in thickness with corpora behind it. There is recon-
struction in upper part of symphyseal region, but from
bone on the R, just lateral to 11, it appears there was a
shallow subalveolar depression. Inferiorly, mandible
featureless. In profile, slight curve down and back to
inferior margin. Internal face of symphyseal region
almost vertical; bears no indication of genial pits or
tubercles. Apparently no digastric fossae. In rather
shallow corpora, very large single mental foramina
lie under P2s. Moderately marked fossa on the R lies
below faint mylohyoid line.

Large RI1 (actually LI1, glued onto wrong root)
and larger L12 shallowly concave. Both very tall
crowned, although slightly worn. Very tall, very m/d
long C apparently still erupting; bears moderate
margocristids bounding thin concavities on either side
of broad keel. Both Pls large, somewhat buccally
swollen, dominated by tall protoconid at base of
which is stout crest. Crest swells into lingual tubercle
and continues around as thick cristid to distal margin
of protoconid. Crest encircles deep fovea with small
enamel lump in it. Another stout crest emanates from
internal and mesial side of protoconid and runs
lingually while remaining separated from lingual
tubercle by deep crease. As preserved on the L, P2
about as long m/d but slightly narrower b/l than P1.
Somewhat centrally placed metaconid slightly smaller
and lower than protoconid. Stout paracristid between
these cusps encloses trigonid basin of good size. Stout
cingulid runs distally from protoconid around larger
talonid basin to meet metaconid. Enamel of talonid
basin deeply fissured. As seen on LM1, roots diverge
close to neck of tooth. Crown rather m/d long and b/l
narrow; distal side rounded with large buccally placed
hypoconulid. Anterior fovea small. Talonid basin m/d
long, not very b/l wide, and constricted by bulbous
buccal cusps. M2s missing. Crown of RM3 erupting;
very much like LM1, with deeply wrinkled occlusal


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