The Human Fossil Record. Volume 2 Craniodental Morphology of Genus Homo (Africa and Asia)

(Ben Green) #1


preserving R and LPl-M3, all very worn; fragments
of R and L12, and alveoli for 11s and Cs. Tighenif 2
(1954-7-000): L corpus plus most of ramus and sym-
physeal region to RC alveolus; preserves P1-M3,
alveoli for LC, Is, and partial RC alveolus. Tighenif 3
(no number): Slightly damaged but essentially com-
plete mandible, with RP1-M3 and LP2-M3; glued-
in R12 and RC do not appear to be either of these
teeth or to belong to this individual. Also some iso-
lated teeth.

Corpora relatively thick, bulky; rather deep compared
to width of tall, fairly vertical rami. Deepest in region
of M2 and 3, with moderate thinning below. Tooth
rows moderately divergent. Symphyseal region thick
a/p (even relatively so in most gracile specimen), nar-
row to moderately broad, and transversely arced. Seen
from below, bone of symphyseal region is apparently
uniformly a/p thick but thinner than bone of corpora
behind. From front, inferior margin may be elevated
to some extent between regions of Cs or even of Mls.
In profile, symphysis relatively straight, sloping gently
down and back or quite arced backward in profile.
Very slight to broad, low midline keel runs from be-
low alveolar region toward inferior margin and fans
out as it does so. Shallow, small depressions lie on ei-
ther side of keel. Development of digastric fossae vari-
able. Fossae may be indistinct; may undercut inferior
margin of symphyseal region on either side of midline
or may be very forwardly placed, somewhat backward
facing, and moderately broad; when forwardly placed,
slightly visible from front, indenting profile of inferior
margin lateral to midline. In latter cases, fossae con-
tribute to elevation of inferior margin of symphyseal
region. Postincisal plane from shorter and steeply
descending to long and sloping; area below may be
devoid of anatomical detail or bear broad, shallow,
scarred genial pit or slightly raised, vertical midline
crest (but no tubercles). Mental foramina may be sin-
gle or multiple and may lie under P1 and 2 or P2,
with at least some thickening of bone below them. In
Tighenif 3, starting under C and continuing to M1,
external surface of corpus thickened inferiorly, form-
ing shallow sulcus below mental foramina. Rami gen-
erally tall, vertical to backwardly sloping; anterior
margin variably covers M3 in side view (depending on
degree of verticality of ramus).
Bone of gonial region typically thin. Gonial
margin reflected inward above angle and outward at

angle. Angle itself rather oblique (not smoothly
curved). External surface broadly but shallowly con-
cave. Coronoid processes apparently tall, pointed,
relatively narrow, and taller than condyles. Condyles
variably m/l broad, not rising much above deepest
point of sigmoid notch. Condyles may be convex
(when viewed from behind) with sharply descending
medial profile. Sigmoid notch short a/p and deepest
at base of condyle. Sigmoid notch crest may broaden
as it runs toward middle or just lateral of midline
of condyle. Corpus thickest in region of M2 and 3;
thickness maintained by continuation of internal
alveolar crest up and back behind M3 toward sigmoid
notch, coronoid process, and possibly condyle as well.
Internally, some muscle scarring on gonial region
along edge of angle. Mandibular foramen can be
quite small, ovoid, and compressed; is oriented up
and back. Sometimes a distinctly pointed lingula lies
high above foramen. Mylohyoid line indistinct to
very faint. Submandibular fossa indistinct or barely
Teeth of 1954-7-825 smaller but bone is thicker
than in other mandibles. Preserved teeth worn to
heavily worn. Cheek teeth typically huge.
From alveolae, appears that I roots were laterally
compressed and C root had deep longitudinal mesial
groove. I roots were not very long; C root variably
long. P1 distended mh, with tiny, distinct, very
mesially placed anterior fovea. P1 with distinct, quite
lingually placed anterior and posterior foveae; buccal
surface outwardly sloped; slight crease situated mesial
to very mesially placed protoconid. P2 larger and
more square than P1. Distinct postcingulid runs from
side of protoconid to base of metaconid; postcingulid
is separated from metaconid by thin groove enclosing
narrow basin. Metaconid and entoconid apparently
present on P2. Thick cingulid ran down from proto-
conid to metaconid; thicker postcingulid ran down
from side of protoconid to entoconid, enclosing thin,
pitted basin. Ml and 2 subequal in size and rather
rectangular; smaller M3 rounded or triangular in out-
line. M2 and 3 cusp apices quite peripherally placed,
enclosing very open, large talonid basin; M1 appar-
ently similar. In T3, M2 hypoconid extends slightly
lingually beyond midline of crown. In other two
mandibles, as preserved on M2 and 3, hypoconid ter-
minates at midline of crown. In all Ms, bases of some-
what internally placed buccal cusps moderately
swollen, with large hypoconulid lying either centrally
or buccal to midline of crown. At least M2 and M3
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