The Human Fossil Record. Volume 2 Craniodental Morphology of Genus Homo (Africa and Asia)

(Ben Green) #1


(Springbok Flats, Tuinplaats)

Quarry some 130 km N of Pretoria, Northern
Province, South Africa.

C. J. Swierstra and H. Lang, 1929.

Fragmentary adult cranium and mandible and some
postcranial bones (TM TP 1).

Found in laterites lying on calcareous tufa. Probably a
burial (Wells, 1959) from the very end of the Pleis-
tocene. Of 5570 years B.P. derived by J.C. Vogel and
reported by Oakley et al. (1977) is probably signifi-
cantly too young (Vogel, quoted in Hughes (1990)).
The dubious radiocarbon date on encrusting calcite

Middle Stone Age (Pietersburg variant), as described
both by van Ket Lowe (1929) and Mason (1962).

Historically important specimen, if only for its role in
the “Boskopoid” controversies. First described by in a
short note by Broom (1929), the specimen was revis-
ited by Schepers (1941), Galloway (1937), and Wells
(1959), among others, whose “Boskopoid” assessments

were clearly influenced by its Middle Stone Age
context. Galloway (1937) reported an endocranial
volume of 1500 ml; more recently, Hughes (1990)
reported one of 1589 ml.

Fragmentary and reconstructed cranium and
mandible with some associated postcranials. Most of
braincase missing. Preserved in mandible are alveolus
for LI2; roots for LC and P1, LM3, and RP2; and
damaged and very worn crowns of LP2 and M1 and

As reconstructed, skull very large, long, relatively
tall, and parallel sided. Frontal vertical. Occipital pro-
file gently rounded. As reconstructed, face absolutely
large but small relative to braincase. R supraorbital re-
gion preserved; slightly swollen outward medially, and
flatter and somewhat backwardly inclined lateral to
midline. Medial to supraorbital bulge, glabellar region
broad, relatively flat, and slightly sunken. Orbital roof
markedly concave, angling up sharply into orbital rim.
Above orbital rim, frontal slopes back gently before
rising vertically and then curving broadly back. Frontal
process (preserved on L) flat, and apparently mini-
mally forwardly projecting. Zygoma deeply in-dented
medial to region of zygomaticomaxillary suture and
below inferior orbital margin (creates thick “lip”). In-
fraorbital foramen appears to be in this depression and
facing downward. In side view, anterior face of zygoma
is tilted forward, with inferior margin lying behind
level of inferior orbital margin. From front, inferior



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