The Human Fossil Record. Volume 2 Craniodental Morphology of Genus Homo (Africa and Asia)

(Ben Green) #1


symphysis. Symphysis very broad between Ps with
subalveolar depression below outwardly curving roots
of anterior teeth (no hint of mental trigon). Inferior
symphyseal region slopes up a little anteriorly. Infe-
rior marginal tubercles poorly defined. Postincisal
slope is long, somewhat steep, interrupted below Is in
midline by a moderate depression. Genial area ru-
gose, but no tubercles; lies just above inferior margin.
Digastric fossae broad but ill defined beneath a very
thick, flat corpus. Very large retromolar space. Gonial
region inflected inward, not severely cut off. Exter-
nally, a few vertical gonial rugosities; nothing extends
to inferior margin. L mental foramen long and nar-
row; lies under Ml. On the R, three small mental
foramina: two under M1 and one under P2-M1. Sig-
moid notch crest runs to middle of condyle. Sigmoid
notch obliterated. Internally, there is a large medial
pterygoid tuberosity high up, just below level of
mandibular foramen, with lesser tuberosities below it.
Mandibular foramen somewhat compressed laterally;
not quite horizontal. Hint of broad, low lingula. My-
lohyoid lines quite pronounced, angled obliquely
down and forward; no well-defined submandibular
depressions beneath.
Teeth quite well worn. Crowns, especially of
cheek teeth, seem relatively small. I and C crowns
angle back a little from relatively short, gracile roots.
I crowns somewhat concave lingually, not shoveled.
Lingual surfaces of Cs bear distinct margocristids,
not much lingual swelling. P1 with distinct anterior
and posterior fovea, but limited lingual development;
border of anterior fovea is incomplete lingually. P2s
relatively swollen distolingually. Molars rounded in
outline, bulbous buccally, talonids constricted, some
hint of trigonid. Isolated RM3 has single lingual root;
buccal roots bifid only at tip; lingual and buccal roots

not long or stout; separate somewhat above neck.
RM3 metacone low relative to paracone; protocone
large, probably was fairly centrally placed (restricting
trigon basin); hypocone region (only) swollen; stout
postcingulum surrounds distinct talon basin.


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300: 227-230.

Department of Anatomy, Sackler Medical School, Univer-
sity of Tel Aviv, Ramat-Aviv, Israel.
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