The Human Fossil Record. Volume 2 Craniodental Morphology of Genus Homo (Africa and Asia)

(Ben Green) #1


the SkhUl from the Tabin hominids, and to see the
SkhUl fossils as “proto-Cro-Magnons,” essentially (if
not completely) modern in form (eg., Howell, 1958;
Howells, 1970; Stringer, 1978). The latter are gener-
ally regarded as Levantine Neanderthals. Schwartz
and Tattersall (2000) have pointed to the significant
absence in the SkhUl mandibles of the distinctively
configured Homo sapiens chin. It is significant for the
history of study of these specimens that, following the
McCown and Keith study, they have been physically
divided among three institutions. Holloway (2000)
quotes the following cranial capacities: SkhUl IV
1554 ml; SkhUl V 1520 ml; SkhUl IX: 1590 ml.

SkhUl I (the child) and SkhUl V (the best preserved
skull and mandible) are described in detail below.
The other specimens (Skhil 11, IV, VI, VII, IX) are
discussed as they differ from (or share notable char-
acteristics with) SkhUl V. Of note collectively about
the adults is that, as preserved, the continuous supra-
orbital margins form strongly projecting, moderately
s/i tall, bar-like tori that are confluent across a
similarly prominent glabellar region. In all cases,
the mandibular symphyseal region bears a variably
teardrop-shaped, mound-like structure that thins be-
fore reaching the inferior margin, and the third lower
molars are well exposed in front of the anterior
margin of the ramus (i.e., retromolar space).

Skhiil I
Child’s cranium lacking face, L temporal region, and
most of base. Heavily reconstructed mandibular corpora
with no rami. dml and dm2 present on R, dm2 on L,
and M1 in crypt on R. Probably ca. 5 years of age.

Cranium. Extensively reconstructed, somewhat
distorted. Quite long, with broadly and gently bulging
occiput. Superciliary arch flat above sharp-edged
superior orbital margin. Squamosal suture long and
low. Parietomastoid suture long and horizontal.
Lambdoid suture angles sharply up from asterion, arcs
across lambda. Mastoid region and adjacent occipital
region swollen out. Two indentations lie below
occipital bulge. Posterior root of zygomatic arch
would have originated just anterior to auditory
meatus. No real articular eminence. Mastoid process
projects a little downward. Internally, no detectable
arcuate eminence; no sign of superior petrous sinus.
Region of subarcuate fossa whittled; would have been

closed over and filled in. R transverse sinus originates
high on superior sagittal sinus. Foramen magnum
represented only by its posterior border; it was narrow
and would have been very long. Sutures uniform but
heavily interdigitated.

Teeth. Rdm2 large, with well-defined postcingulum,
relatively deep and broad talon basin, stout preprotocrista
(which runs to parastylar region) and postprotocrista.
LMl has large hypocone, marked postcingulum
surrounding talon basin, very large, deep trigon basin.

Mandible. Difficult to tell where reconstruction
begins and ends. Hint of a subalveolar depression
(although lower part of symphysis is missing). Sym-
physis was broad between Cs and flat across front.
Inferior margin of corpus concave just in front of
gonial region. Mandibular foramen points straight
back; bone behind it beginning to inflect inward. dml
broken. dm2s have huge hypoconulids; also a crest ru-
nning from tip of metaconid down into talonid basin,
which is wrinkled and bears cuspules. Unerupted Ml
has very large, deep trigonid basin, also talonid basin.
Talonid basin enamel deeply incised with grooves;
small ridge runs into basin from bases of metaconid
and hypoconid.

Skhiil I1
Adult cranial fragments and teeth, supposedly female.
Smaller than SkhUl V.
Cranium. Frontal fragment N 7344 preserves R
supraorbital region, glabella and part of L supraorbital
region. Bone of brow vermiculate. Vault bone in this
and other fragments thick; shows porotic hyperostosis.
Virtually no frontal sinus. Similar to Skhil V in having
continuous (not bipartite) tori confluent across glabella
and relatively broad interorbital region. Differs from
SkhUl V in having taller, less projecting supraorbital
torus, narrower orbits, less projecting glabella, frontal
rise closer behind orbital margin. Tori taper sharply
lateral to midpoint of orbit. Somewhat as in SkhUl V,
tori flattened in central portion and across glabella.
Mandible. Front portion, N 7374, preserved. Very
narrow and much shallower than in Skhul V. In middle
of symphyseal region is a narrow mental boss (not
trigone) with pinched inferior curvature (no central
keel or mental tubercles). Corpora retreat rapidly.
Digastric fossae slight and face somewhat posteriorly.
Genial tubercles lacking. Mental foramen lies below
P2. Antemortem loss of FU1 reflected in remodeling of
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