The Human Fossil Record. Volume 2 Craniodental Morphology of Genus Homo (Africa and Asia)

(Ben Green) #1

s K €I I, 361

quite forwardly projecting. At lambda, profile turns
down almost vertically to reach the moderately
downwardly distended region of the external occipital
protuberance, which lies somewhat above the plane
of the auditory meatus. Region of protuberance is
undercut by profile of the moderately long nuchal plane.
Below this region, the nuchal plane is somewhat vertical
and concave, and then curves forward to run almost
horizontally. From above, cranium tapers gently forward
to moderate postorbital constrictions from a greatest
width across the broadly mounded parietal eminences
and above the mastoid regions. From this point
posteriorly, the side walls of the skull angle in noticeably
back to lambdoid sutures, between which the occipital is
relatively flat (but asymmetrically oriented). Also from
above (and better seen on R), the supraorbital margin
retreats somewhat from the once broad glabellar region,
and then becomes slightly more forward facing in the
region of the supraorbital notch, which lies just medial
to midline of orbit. From behind, cranium is tall and
somewhat narrow; it peaks broadly around sagittal
suture. Side walls quite tall and vertical. Rear profile
turns in moderately strongly high up, then courses more
gently and roundedly toward midline.
As better preserved on the R, supraorbital torus is
continuous (not bipartite), essentially bar-like (especially
between supraorbital notches). It is not very tall s/i but
is strongly projecting, with a long, almost horizontal
posttoral plane that becomes longer laterally behind the
orbital margin. Medial portion of R supraorbital region
is confluent with projecting glabellar region; glabella
itself is not clearly differentiated. R supraorbital notch is
completely preserved, broad, and shallow. Vermiculate
bone present on tori. Only most superior portions of
nasal bones preserved; they are narrower than the maxil-
lary frontal processes to their sides. Nasion is overhung
substantially by glabellar region.
Zygomatic arches very short and very slender;
there is a slight lateral flare anteriorly on the R, a more
cornered contour on the L. Cranium very asymmet-
rical in this region, so L temporal fossa is much more
capacious than R. (Asymmetry is probably real rather
than an artifact of reconstruction, especially since the
mandible is also asymmetrical, as are some aspects of
cranial base such as the articular fossae; e.g., R is
larger). Based on R side, face would have projected less
than in the existing reconstruction. A slight tubercle is
preserved on L zygoma (impossible to tell on R).
Temporal lines weak as they course almost
vertically up from behind the moderately laterally

projecting supraorbital torus; they fade out rapidly.
Squamosal is quite tall s/i and short a/p. Anterior
squamosal not cornered (smooth transition forward
into temporal fossa). Alisphenoid not cornered either
(infratemporal fossae not delineated). Parietal notch
right angled. Parietomastoid suture quite long, hori-
zontal. Articular fossae asymmetrical; the L is not com-
pletely closed off medially but the R is. Internal wall of
fossa, as seen on the R, is merely a thin ledge in front of
the vaginal process. Both fossae are quite deep, con-
stricted dp toward their deepest point, but open out
noticeably both anteriorly and posteriorly. Articular
eminence on both sides remodeled (no doubt due to
protrusion of mandible to achieve edge-to-edge bite).
On the R, additional modification due to osteoarthritis
(seen also in corresponding mandibular condyle). On
both sides, auditory meatus is small and vertically
ovoid. Both ectotympanic tubes short and incompletely
ossified inferolaterally. Vaginal process small and medi-
ally placed; peaks around what would have been a stout
styloid process. Vaginal process is separated medioante-
riorly from the stylomastoid foramen, which lies right
behind the ectotympanic tube and between the well-
separated styloid and mastoid processes. Better-
preserved L vaginal process contacts mastoid process.
Petrosals slender and tiny externally; taper medially.
Foramen lacerum almost absent (because petrosal, al-
though tiny, is well ossified). Carotid foramina small
and point downward. Jugular fossae could not have
been large, but pointed anteriorly.
Posterior root of zygomatic arch is confluent with
a very low suprameatal crest that continues posteriorly
into an even less distinct supramastoid crest. Mastoid
process (fairly complete on L; extensively recon-
structed on R) is almost horizontal at its base and arcs
downward somewhat at its tip. Lateral surface of
process bears an anteroinferiorly descending, rough-
ened crest. Mastoid foramen is large on both sides; it
lies in post-mastoid portion of temporal. An apparent
depression between supramastoid and mastoid crests
on the L seeems to be an artifact.
On the L, the area internal to the mastoid process
(i.e., area of mastoid notch, etc) extensively modified
during preparation. On the R, this area is not com-
pletely preserved; there seems to be little topographic
differentiation in this region. Only posterior part of
occipitomastoid region is preserved but it may have
been crushed somewhat; apparently there was not
much of a crest (if any) along it. On the L is a faint
Waldeyer’s crest, more or less continuous with a small
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