The Human Fossil Record. Volume 2 Craniodental Morphology of Genus Homo (Africa and Asia)

(Ben Green) #1


between occipital and nuchal planes. Viewed from
rear, cranium relatively wide and low; essentially “en
bombe,” with moderately tall and slightly curved side
walls. Cranial roof peaks very slightly along sagittal
suture. Seen from front, biorbital breadth not much
narrower than maximum cranial breadth, which lies
across the thick, protruding supramastoid crests. As
seen from above, superior orbital margins are essen-
tially straight; retreat somewhat from glabella.
For apparent size of face, supraorbital tori are quite
thick, reaching maximum s/i thickness (i.e., peaking)
just medial to midorbit; are moderately confluent
across glabella. Tori not strongly protruding either up-
ward or forward, but glabella swells anteriorly, over-
hanging nasion. On either side of glabella is a distinct
but restricted swelling. Tori arc over each orbit. Later-
ally, toral edges swell beyond frontal processes. Toral
surfaces flow smoothly out of gently concave orbital
roofs, turn sharply upward and continue around supra-
orbital margin with a lateral “twist” (thus, margins face
somewhat upward laterally). Superior edge of peaked
portion of torus slightly blunt. Posttoral plane flat but
very short; flows into low lateral portion of frontal.
Postglabellar plane very short; runs smoothly up into
frontal, which immediately bulges into a short median
keel. Interorbital region extremely broad. Inferior
orbital margins angle strongly down and laterally (pro-
ducing “aviator glasses” effect). Although distortion is
minimal superiorly, primarily on the R (nasals and
frontal process displaced somewhat into frontal sinus
region), the nasal bones appear to have been quite
short, were markedly triangular in front view. Nasal
aperture apparently relatively large, broadly triangular,
probably with crisp lateral margin. As preserved on the
L, lateral crest curves around onto and across inferior
margin of nasal cavity. As seen externally, region lateral
and superior to nasal aperture swells out somewhat.
Within nasal cavity, on the R, is a low, short, hori-
zontal concha1 crest.
As seen on the L, anterior root of zygomatic arch
curves back strongly at large, swollen, peaked, anteri-
orly facing maxillary tuberosity. Maxilla depressed
above tuberosity. Below region of zygomaticomaxillary
suture, anterior root of zygoma appears to have arisen
quite high above alveolar margin. As seen from front,
anterior root of zygomatic arch curves quite strongly
laterally. In general, zygomaticomaxillary region
appears fairly gracile compared to supraorbital region;
the relatively thin preserved posterior root of zygo-
matic arch suggests arch itself was gracile as well. As

seen on the R, infraorbital foramen was quite large
and situated close to inferior orbital margin.
Postorbital constriction minimal. Temporal lines
run almost straight back as they emerge behind
supraorbital tori; curve strongly back only in region
just anterior to asterion. Squamous portion of tempo-
ral probably long and not extremely tall; anteriorly,
flows smoothly into strongly muscle-scarred, moder-
ately deep temporal fossa. Fossa curves strongly but
smoothly into infratemporal region. Parietal notch
quite tall, anteriorly oriented. Parietomastoid suture
very long, horizontal. Articular fossae deep (deepest
at mid-fossa), extremely wide m/l and moderately
long a/p; closed off medially by extension of vaginal
process to region of sphenoid. Posterior wall of fossa
rather vertical; anterior wall slopes forward onto
sphenotemporal region (i.e., no articular eminence).
Fossae extend laterally beyond wall of cranial vault
(thus, are roofed by a distinct, anteriorly broadening
shelf that incorporates posterior root of zygomatic
arch and suprameatal crest). Suprameatal crest well
developed; flows into the more swollen, protrusive,
minimally upwardly deflected supramastoid crest.
Crest separated from mastoid process by very short,
shallow sulcus. Ectotympanic tubes apparently ex-
tended superiorly as far as suprameatal crest. Vaginal
processes confined to, and peak broadly at, region of
styloid process. Mastoid processes moderately thick
at bases; hardly extend below level of cranial base.
Lateral surfaces of processes flat; angled obliquely
from front to back, tilt strongly inward. Mastoid
notches deep and wide anteriorly; taper posteriorly to
terminate just behind mastoid process, with no digas-
tric fossa. Occipitomastoid sutures bear low, broad
crests. Small, short Waldeyer’s crest evident on the L.
Occipital plane very wide, short, vertical, and fairly
featureless. Faint superior nuchal lines laterally distin-
guish occipital plane from the even wider, horizontal,
almost flat nuchal plane. On the L, superior nuchal
line thickens modestly at its midpoint. Two scallop-
shaped muscle scar depressions lie on each side of an
anteriorly tapering, raised area of bone in midline.
Scars very wide m/l, relatively long a/p, broadly sepa-
rated from one another. As reasonably well preserved
on the L, foramen magnum appears to have been rela-
tively long, ovoid; was quite forwardly placed relative
to posterior length of nuchal plane. Also as seen on the
L, occipital condyle was rather small and anteriorly
placed. Basisphenoid somewhat overrides occiput; even
so, there apparently was notable flexion of basiocciput
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