The Human Fossil Record. Volume 2 Craniodental Morphology of Genus Homo (Africa and Asia)

(Ben Green) #1

LAN T I AN ( C II E N J I x \v o AN u Go N G wli N G L I N G ) 425

surrounding bone. Reconstruction is partial on L
inferior margin below P2 and M1; becomes more
comprehensive on R side. Region of R12-C is filled in.
As reconstructed, jaw asymmetrical in occlusal out-
line; internal curvature around symphyseal region
would originally have been tighter, with inner margins
of corpora closer together and slightly divergent. Sym-
physis was shallow s/i, with a gradual increase in corpus
height posteriorly. In profile, symphysis straight and
only slightly tilted forward externally. Seen from front,
symphysis is featureless. Viewed from above, symphy-
seal region was uniformly curved from side to side and
moderately broad. Corpora thicken m/l posteriorly. As
seen on both sides, large mental foramen lies under P2;
R foramen is a bit smaller than L and attended by mul-
tiple small foramina. As seen on the L, a swelling lies
just below the septum between M2 and M3 alveoli (in-
dicates position of anterior root of ramus). Posterior to
this thickening, bone is smooth and slightly depressed;
lacks muscle scars. Internally, postincisal plane straight
and almost vertical. Very pronounced submandibular
fossa (on both sides) delineated superiorly by a swelling
of bone rather than a mylohyoid line.
Preserved I1 roots very compressed m/d; moder-
ately wide b/l. As seen on L, C alveolus relatively
small (much smaller than alveoli for P1 and 2). Judg-
ing from broken M1 and alveoli for M2 behind,
molars were m/d short teeth that were b/l wider
mesially than distally. Distal margin of at least Ml
would have been rounded. As seen on the R, Ml had
two distinct roots mesially and a large root distally.
Both M2s had only one root mesiolingually and an
obliquely oriented, large distal root (more completely
separated by septum on R).

Gongwangling (L2; PA 86)
There are two numbering systems for this crushed
cranium, and some parts (105 2-4) are missing,
including a maxillary fragment with RM2 and 3 that
apparently ran from below nasal region almost com-
pletely around R side, continuing partly into palate.
PA 105 (1) is a badly crushed, distorted, weath-
ered frontal bone with upper nasals and anterior por-
tions of both L and R parietals. 105 (5) is a fragment
said to be of L frontal process and part of infraorbital
region. 105 (6) is a broken and heavily worn LM2
embedded in some bone but mostly matrix.
Bone massively thick. Even with some distortion
internally along coronal suture, parietals do not seem

to be displaced superiorly; would have been very low,
with shallow superior arc m/l as well as a/p. As better
preserved on the R, curvature down into lateral wall
of cranium does not seem to have been very sharp.
Hence, skull was relatively broad and flat, and (as far as
discernible) face was probably massive relative to neu-
rocranium. Externally, biorbital breadth would have
been at least as wide as maximum cranial breadth. As
better preserved on the R, the massive supraorbital re-
gion was delineated posteriorly by a very deep, not a/p
long, postorbital sulcus. Horizontal R temporal line
distinct, crest-like; becomes more prominent as it runs
posteriorly from behind orbits.
105 (5) fragment has good apparent contact with
region of nasals, but produces an oddly deformed in-
fraorbital morphology, with a uniquely concave frontal
process. 105 (5) may instead be a fragment of R al-
isphenoid, with which there is also plausible contact.
If the latter, there is no evidence of flexion into an in-
fratemporal fossa. Bone somewhat triangular in cross-
section, with concave base.
As better preserved on the R, supraorbital re-
gion was quite tall s/i medially, possibly thickening
at mid-orbit; it thinned laterally while remaining
quite thick. Anterior supraorbital margin curved up
and sharply back from orbital roof. Medial portions
of supraorbital margins were apparently swollen,
and separated at midline by a vertical depression
along the nonprotrusive glabellar region. Interor-
bital region crushed; was clearly extremely wide. On
relatively undistorted L side, orbit was evidently
also very wide m/l but relatively shallow a/p. Nasion
lies well below supraorbital regions. Appears nasal
bones sloped gently down and forward. Nasal suture
may have borne keel. Apparently no postglabellar
sulcus. Posttoral sulci minimal developed at mid-
orbit. Some sutural traces. At least coronal suture
seems to have been segmented; its C2 portion was
probably moderately interdigitated.
Internal contour of frontal appears relatively
intact on R side. Arc of frontal shallow m/l as well as
a/p, with a short downward curve along thick frontal
crest. Frontal lobes protruded somewhat anteriorly
along orbits medially; did not extend superiorly
above orbital cones. On both sides, anterior branch
of middle meningeal artery lies posterior to coronal
Although much of mesial side of LM2 [lo5 (6)]
is missing, it is still apparent that paracone was very
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