Foramen magnum was apparently moderate in
size and subovoid. Better preserved R occipital
condyle moderately forwardly placed, with short an-
terior surface and longer, gently sloping posterior
articular surface. Basiocciput rather broad and thin,
tapering to a rather sharp edge at front of foramen
magnum. External surface of basiocciput bears bilat-
eral shallow depressions near foramen; anteriorly, it
appears to be preserved more or less as far as the
sphenooccipital synchondrosis (as indicated on L by
impressions of two sphenoid air cells).
Palate partially preserved; best on the R, where
C and three Ms present; on L, only P1 present.
Palate was long and would originally have been
wider than it is now (since what remains of L alveo-
lar region has been displaced medially). Palate also
rather shallow, with gently sloping sides all around.
Incisive foramen moderate in size lies parallel with
Cs. Posterior maxillary pole extended considerably
behind M3. Behind posterior pole is displaced frag-
ment of pterygoid. Maxillary sinus may not have
been very large.
Internally, the anteriorly tapering frontal lobes ex-
tend only halfway along orbital cones. Frontal crest mod-
erately developed and apparently not very tall s/i. Floor
of anterior cranial fossa above L orbit only minimally
corrugated. Anterior branch of middle meningeal artery
lies well back, apparently paralleling region of coronal
suture, and is poorly ramified. Petrosals not very wide
m/b both bear modest arcuate eminences and appear to
lack distinct superior petrous sinuses (instead, there is
just an edge in that region). Apparently no subarcuate
fossae, but a sub-subarcuate fossa on the L. Superior
sagittal sinus prominent posteriorly; before reaching the
prominent but inferiorly positioned internal occipital
protuberance, sinus becomes more crest-like and then
gives rise to a well-developed, downwardly sloping R
transverse sinus and a fainter L transverse sinus.
On the R, where transverse sinus reaches posterior
part of petrosal, it bifurcates into an equally well devel-
oped, downwardly running sigmoid sinus that stays be-
low the petrosal, and a fainter posterior branch that runs
along interface of petrosal with wall. Sigmoid sinus
curves around posterior to the jugular foramen, to re-
gion of occipital condyle. A fainter superior branch runs
down into jugular foramen, through which it exits. On
the L, the bifurcation into sigmoid and smaller posterior
sinuses is preserved, although their termini are not.
Only five teeth present, all heavily worn. Small for
size of skull. RC crown not robust; would not have
been very tall but is very asymmetrical in profile, with
a very short mesial slope and very long distal slope.
Buccal surface modestly convex. Lingual surface
somewhat excavated between mesial and distal mar-
gocristae; appears to have been bounded by a lingual
swelling of some kind. LP1 not very tall crowned.
Apex of paracone lay slightly mesial to the more cen-
trally placed apex of protocone. Paracone would have
been more massive at its base than protocone; these
cusps are separated by a relatively deep furrow. Indica-
tions of narrow anterior fovea but no posterior fovea.
Buccal and lingual sides of crown relatively straight;
crown symmetrical in occlusal outline.
Ms decrease in size from Ml to M3; most obvi-
ous differences among them are posterior diminution
and eventual absence of metacone, and m/d shorten-
ing crown, especially buccally. Buccal side of M1 and
2 seems to have been more bulbous than lingual side;
lingual side of M3 appears to have been more bul-
bous than buccal. Ml and M2 retain evidence of a
distinct, deep, narrow anterior fovea between the
mesially swinging preprotocrista and paracone. All
Ms appear to have had a thick postprotocrista that
terminated at base of metacone. All Ms bear a rela-
tively large hypocone that squares off distolingual
corner of crown. On M1 and M2, a relatively thick
postcingulum runs straight up from hypocone to
metastylar region; Ml may have had a metastyle.
Enamel may have been slightly wrinkled.
Sungirun 18u. Midline fragment of frontal down
to nasion, plus (inaccurately) joined bits of thick L
parietal. Also some small miscellaneous cranial frag-
ments (not all hominid), plus one piece of parietal (?).
Frontal rises somewhat behind glabella; would
probably not have been very steep in profile. Tori
continuous with a swollen glabella that protrudes
anteriorly in front of them (S17). Nasion lies relatively
high, and the nasal bones would probably have
projected a little bit in front of glabella (S17).
Internally, frontal crest long and low. Frontal lobes did
not extend fully over orbital cones.
Sangiran 19a. Fragment of occipital just to R of
midline. Great thickening at juncture of occipital and
nuchal planes, producing a posterior horizontal swelling
along juncture.
Sungirun 20. One very thick-boned parietal frag-
ment, apparently from L side as it thins to the
squamosal. Faint temporal lines (S2 et al.).