external region of bregma; increases in width and depth
posteriorly until veering R of internal occipital crest,
becoming a horizontal transverse sinus that becomes
shallower laterally. L transverse sinus not discernible.
Isolated small LPI, lacks definitive metaconid. Distal
part of crown is b/l wider than mesial part. Buccal
side worn, but was evidently tall and slightly curved
inward. Short, stout cristid extends lingually from
protoconid and angles distolingually (creating sharp
corner), then courses buccally along distal side. Small,
deep fovea mesial to cristid with larger, deep fovea
distal to it. Root wide b/l and compressed m/d; apex
apparently bifid; deep groove on mesial side goes one-
third the way up from apical bifurcation. On distal
side, at neck, is a b/l wide, deep groove (not a carious
lesion; could be toothpick mark).
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Nationaal Museum van Natuurlijke Historie, P. 0. B. 9517,
2300 Leiden, The Netherlands.