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the SKeLetaL SyStem 89

What is bone?

  • Bone is a form of connective tissue that consists of living cells
    and a nonliving matrix that is hardened by the mineral calcium.

  • Bones contain two types of bone tissue—dense compact bone
    and lacy but strong spongy bone.

  • Bones grow, become strong, and are repaired through the
    process called bone remodeling.

  • Bone remodeling is important in homeostasis because it plays
    a major role in maintaining the proper balance of calcium in the

taKe-hoMe Message

bone Connective tissue
that functions in move‑
ment and locomotion,
protection of other organs,
mineral storage, and (in
some bones) blood cell
bone remodeling Recy‑
cling of calcium as it is
deposited and withdrawn
from bones.
compact bone Denser,
solid‑looking type of bone
tissue, which forms in slen‑
der, circular layers.
epiphysis End of a long
osteoblast Type of bone
cell that forms the matrix of
bone tissue, which eventu‑
ally becomes mineralized.
osteoclast Type of bone
cell that breaks down the
matrix of bone tissue.
osteocyte Name for a
bone‑forming cell (osteo‑
blast) after the matrix
around it has become min‑
eralized and the cell stops
forming bone matrix.
osteon Each set of thin,
circular layers that forms in
compact bone. The layers
encircle a channel for blood
vessels and nerves.
spongy bone Lacy, more
open type of bone tissue. In
long bones it occurs inside
the bone shaft.

bone, osteoclasts release more cal-
cium than usual from bone matrix.
Osteoblasts then use the calcium to
repair the injured bone tissue.
A child’s body requires lots
of calcium to meet the combined
demands of bone growth and other
needs for the calcium stored in
bones. Along with dietary calcium,
remodeling helps meet the demand.
For example, the diameter of a grow-
ing child’s thighbones increases as
osteoblasts form bone at the surface
of each shaft. At the same time, how-
ever, osteoclasts break down a small
amount of bone tissue inside the
shaft. Thus the child’s thighbones
become thicker and stronger to sup-
port the increasing body weight, but
they don’t get too heavy.
Bone remodeling also plays a key
role in maintaining homeostasis of
the blood level of calcium. Neither
our nervous system nor our muscles
can function properly unless the
blood level of calcium stays within
a narrow range. When the level falls
below this range, a hormone called
PTH stimulates osteoclasts to break
down bone and release calcium
to the blood. If the level rises too
high, another hormone, calcitonin,
stimulates osteoblasts to deposit cal-
cium in bone tissue. Notice that this
control mechanism is an example
of negative feedback. You will read more about it in
Chapter 15, when we take a closer look at hormones.

Human growth hormone (GH) prevents the plates from
calcifying, so the bone can lengthen. When growth stops,
usually when people reach their late teens or early twenties,
bone replaces the cartilage plates.

bone tissue is constantly “remodeled”

Calcium is constantly entering and leaving our bones.
Calcium is deposited when osteoblasts form bone,
and it is withdrawn when “bone breaker” cells called
osteoclasts break down the matrix of bone tissue. This
ongoing calcium recycling is called bone remodeling,
and it has several important functions.
Regularly breaking down “old” bone and replacing it
with fresh tissue helps keep bone resilient, so it is less likely
to become brittle and break. When a bone is subjected to
mechanical stress, such as load-bearing exercise, the remod-
eling process is adjusted so that more bone is deposited
than removed. That is why the bones of regular exercisers
are denser and stronger than the bones of couch potatoes.
On the other hand, when the body must heal a broken

Figure 5.2 A long bone forms on a cartilage model. First,
osteoblasts begin to function in a cartilage model in the
embryo. The bone-forming cells are active first in the shaft,
then at the knobby ends. In time, cartilage is left only in the
epiphyses at the ends of the shaft.

Cartilage model of
future bone in embryo

When organs form in embryo,
blood vessel invades
model; osteoblasts
start producing bone
tissue; marrow
cavity forms

Remodeling and
growth continue
in newborn;
secondary bone-
forming centers
appear at knobby
ends of bone

Mature bone of adult

bone collar

epiphyses © Cengage Learning

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