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162 Chapter 9

overview of adaptive Defenses

will see, however, activation requires that the B or T cell meet
and recognize the one antigen for which it has receptors.
When a B or T cell does interact with an antigen, the
cell divides, the resulting new cells divide again, and so on
until a huge number of identical copies exist. Because each
copy is identical to the “parent” cell, it is called a clone and
the copying process is called clonal expansion. All the cells
in the resulting lymphocyte army have exactly the same
receptors, so all recognize the same antigen, but not all will
continue down the same developmental path. Many dif-
ferentiate into effector cells that can begin destroying the
enemy right away. Others become memory cells. Instead
of joining the first battle, memory cells are set aside. If the
threat returns, they will be available to mount a larger,
faster response to it (Figure 9.8). Memory cells are what
make you “immune” to a given cold or flu virus once you
have recovered from the first infection.
Effector B cells are called plasma cells. Plasma cells
make proteins called antibodies, so the B cell response is
called antibody-mediated immune response. Antibod-
ies target antigens of pathogens and toxins that are outside
cells, in blood or tissue fluid.

n in adaptive immunity, b cells, T cells, and phagocytes are
mobilized to fight specific threats.
n Links to White blood cells 8.1, self markers 8.4

adaptive immunity has four key features
In Section 9.1 you read that the responses of adaptive
immunity are not preset. They change throughout life as
new threats enter the body. Now we are ready to consider
four features that are central to adaptive immunity.

  1. Recognition of self versus nonself: Like the ABO self
    markers on red blood cells, all body cells have self
    markers called MHC markers. (They are named after
    the genes that code for them.) MHC markers are some
    of the proteins that stick out above a cell’s plasma
    membrane. T cells have receptors that recognize MHC
    markers and other self tags on body cells. These and
    other receptors also can recognize antigens as nonself.

  2. Specificity: Each B or T cell makes receptors for only one
    kind of antigen. A receptor and its antigen fit together,
    something like a lock and key. B cells make B cell
    receptors, and T cells make T cell receptors.
    3. Diversity: B and T cells collec-
    tively may have receptors for
    more than 2 billion different
    4. Memory: Some of the B and
    T cells formed during a first
    response to an invader are held in
    reserve for future battles with it.
    Let’s now learn a little more about
    these features, which are the defining
    characteristics of adaptive defenses.

Lymphocytes become
specialized for different
roles in adaptive immunity
As you know, lymphocytes arise from
stem cells in red bone marrow. Form-
ing B cells continue developing in
bone marrow, but cells that will spe-
cialize as T cells travel via the blood
to the thymus gland, where they com-
plete their development. When B and
T cells are mature, most move into
lymph nodes, the spleen, and other
lymphatic system tissues. Each cell is
studded with its unique receptors and
is capable of becoming active in an
adaptive immune response. As you


antibodies Proteins made
by activated B cells that are
the cells’ antigen receptors.

immune response An
adaptive immune response
in which antibodies are pro-
duced against an antigen.

B cell receptor Antigen
receptor on a B cell.

effector cell B or T cell
that has been sensitized
to an antigen as an adap-
tive immune response gets
under way. Effectors begin
to act as soon as they are

memory cell B or T cell
that has been sensitized to
an antigen but remains in
reserve and acts in a sec-
ondary response.

MHC marker Self-
recognition protein on a
body cell.

plasma cell Cell derived
from an activated B cell;
it produces antibodies that
operate in antibody-
mediated immunity.

T cell receptor Antigen
receptor on a T cell. Figure 9.8^ Animated!^ Activated lymphocytes produce
effector cells and memory cells. (© Cengage Learning)

effector cells

effector cells

memory cells memory cells
B or
T cell

immune response

immune response

Magnitudeof responsefirst




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