(nextflipdebug2) #1
the RespiRatoRy system 185

hoW are blood gases exchanged
and transported?

  • Oxygen and carbon dioxide diffuse into and out of capillaries
    following their partial pressure gradients.

  • Hemoglobin in red blood cells greatly increases the oxygen-
    carrying capacity of the blood.

  • Hemoglobin and blood plasma also carry carbon dioxide.

  • In plasma, most carbon dioxide is transported in the form
    of bicarbonate.

  • Buffers help prevent the blood from becoming too acid due to
    H+ being released when bicarbonate forms.

takE-homE mEssaGE

Hemoglobin with carbon
dioxide bound to it.
Hemoglobin with oxygen
bound to it.
respiratory membrane
Two-layer membrane
between the walls of lung
capillaries and alveoli; blood
gases diffuse across it.

hemoglobin and blood plasma
both carry carbon dioxide

As you know, aerobic res piration in cells pro-
duces carbon dioxide as a waste. For this
reason, there is more carbon dioxide in metabolically active
tissues than in the blood in the nearby capil laries. So, fol-
lowing its pressure gradient, carbon dioxide diffuses into
these capillaries. It will be carried toward the lungs in three
ways. About 7 percent stays dissolved in plasma. About
another 23 percent binds with hemoglobin in red blood
cells, forming the compound carbaminohemoglobin
(HbCO 2 ). Most of the carbon dioxide, about 70 percent,
combines with water to form bicarbonate (HCO 32 ). The
reaction has two steps. First carbonic acid (H 2 CO 3 ) forms;
then it dissociates (that is, it separates) into bicarbonate ions
and hydrogen ions:

This reaction occurs in blood plasma and red blood
cells. However, it is faster in red blood cells, which contain
carbonic anhydrase. This enzyme increases the reaction
rate by at least 250 times. Newly formed bicarbonate in red
blood cells diffuses into the plasma, which will carry it to
the lungs. The reactions rapidly “sop up” carbon dioxide in
the blood and help maintain the gradient that keeps CO 2
diffusing from tissue fluid into the bloodstream.
The reactions that make bicarbonate are reversed in
alveoli, where the partial pressure of carbon dioxide is
lower than it is in surrounding capillaries. The CO 2 that
forms as the reactions go in reverse diffuses into the alveoli
and is exhaled.
If you look again at the chemical reactions outlined in
the pink shaded area above, you can see that the steps
that form bicarbonate also produce some H^1 , which makes

CO 2 + H 2 O H 2 CO 3
carbonic acid

HCO 3 –

+ H+

Figure 10.14 Partial pressure gradients for oxygen and carbon
dioxide change as blood travels through the cardiovascular system.
Recall that each gas moves from higher to lower partial pressure areas.
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Dry inhaled

Moist exhaled


Start of capillaries
in body tissues

Start of veins
in body tissues

O 2

O 2

CO 2

CO 2


cells of


40100 40100


O 2 CO 2

O 2 CO 2


Partial pressure of CO 2 (PCO 2 )

Partial pressure of O 2 (PO 2 )

blood more acid. What happens to
these hydrogen ions? Hemoglobin
binds some of them and thus acts as
a buffer (Section 2.7). Certain pro-
teins in blood plasma also bind H^1.
These buffering mechanisms are
extremely important in homeo stasis
because they help prevent an abnor-
mal decline in blood pH.

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The four heme groups
that can bind oxygen

F i g u r e 10.13 oxyhemoglobin forms when oxygen
molecules bind to the heme groups in hemoglobin.
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