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DiGestioN aND NUtritioN 221

reVieW Questions

  1. What are the main functions of the stomach? What roles do
    enzymes and hormones play?

  2. Explain the differences between the digestion roles of the
    small and large intestines. Does the appendix also have a
    digestive function?

  3. List the organs and accessory organs of the digestive
    system. On a separate piece of paper, list the main
    functions of each organ.

  4. Define peristalsis, and list the regions of the GI tract where
    it occurs. Be sure to mention segmentation in your answer.

  5. Using the black lines shown in Figure 11.27, name the types
    of nutrient molecules present at each site that are small
    enough to be absorbed across the small intestine’s lining.

seLF-Quiz Answers in Appendix VI

  1. Different regions of the digestive system specialize in
    and food and in unabsorbed food

  2. Maintaining normal body weight requires that
    intake be balanced by output.

  3. The preferred energy sources for the body are.

  4. The human body cannot produce its own vitamins or
    minerals, nor can it produce certain

  5. Digestion is completed and products are absorbed in
    a. mouth c. small intestine
    b. stomach d. large intestine

Figure 11.27 Fill in the blanks for substances that cross the
lining of the small intestine. (© Cengage Learning)

Major components
Mouth Start of digestive system, where food is
(oral cavity) moistened and chewed; polysaccharide
digestion begins
Pharynx Entrance to tubular parts of digestive and
respiratory systems
Esophagus Muscular tube, moistened by saliva, that
moves food from pharynx to stomach
Stomach Sac where food mixes with gastric fluid and
protein digestion begins; stretches to store
food taken in faster than can be processed;
gastric fluid destroys many microbes
Small The first part (duodenum) receives secretions
intestine from the liver, gallbladder, and pancreas
Most nutrients are digested, absorbed in
second part (jejunum)
Some nutrients absorbed in last part (ileum),
which delivers unabsorbed material to colon
Colon (large Concentrates and stores undigested matter
intestine) (by absorbing mineral ions and water)
Rectum Distension triggers expulsion of feces
Anus Terminal opening of digestive system
accessory organs
Salivary Glands (three main pairs, many minor ones)
glands that secrete saliva, a fluid with polysaccharide-
digesting enzymes, buffers, and mucus
(which moistens and lubricates ingested food)
Pancreas Secretes enzymes that digest all major food
molecules and buffers against HCl from
Liver Secretes bile (used in fat emulsification);
role in carbohydrate, fat, and protein
Gallbladder Stores and concentrates bile from the liver

Table 11.9 Summary of the Digestive System

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