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278 Chapter 14

cone cells Photoreceptors
that detect bright light.

fovea Area near the center
of the retina where visual
acuity (sharpness) is the

rod cells Photoreceptors
that detect dim light.

From Visual signals to “sight”

n    our vision sense is based on the sensory pathway from the
retina to the brain.
n Links to nerve impulses 13.2, Chemical synapses
13.3, nerves 13.4, Visual processing in the brain 13.8

“Seeing” something is a multistep process that begins
when your eyes receive raw visual information. The infor-
mation then is transmitted to the brain and processed. The
result is conscious awareness of light and shadows, of col-
ors, and of near and distant objects in the world around us.

Rods and cones are the photoreceptors

Vision begins when light reaches the retina, at the back of
the eyeball. Between the retina and the choroid is a layer
of epithelium where visual pigments form. Millions of
photoreceptors called rod cells and cone cells rest on this
layer (Figure 14.17 and Table 14.2)
and have visual pigments embed-
ded in them. Rod cells are sensitive
to dim light. They detect changes in
light intensity across the visual field.
Their signals are the start of coarse
perception of motion. Cone cells
detect bright light. Their signals are
the start of sharp daytime vision
and color perception.

Visual pigments intercept light energy

Like sound, light energy travels in waves, and different
light wavelengths correspond to different colors. As you
can see in the lower part of Figure 14.17, there are stacks
of membrane disks in the light-sensitive part of rods and
cones. These disks are where visual pigments are found.
Visual pigments are proteins that change shape when
they absorb certain wavelengths, or colors, of light. They
consist of different versions of a protein called opsin
together with retinal, a light-absorbing substance that is
derived from vitamin A. Rods contain a single type of
visual pigment, called rhodopsin. It absorbs mainly blue to
green light. By contrast, depending on the type of opsin in

its pigment, a cone may be sensitive to red, green, or blue
light. Thus we say there are three types of cones—red,
green, or blue.
Changes in visual pigments are key to our vision
sense. When light stimulates a visual pigment, its opsin
changes shape. The change begins a process that converts
light energy to nerve impulses. In this process, a series of
chemical reactions slow the release of a neurotransmitter
that inhibits neurons next to the photoreceptor. When they
are no longer inhibited, the neurons start sending signals
about the visual stimulus on toward the brain. So-called
night blindness results when a person’s diet is deficient in
vitamin A, so too little retinal is available to form visual
pigments. The effect is most severe in rods.
Near the center of the retina is a tiny depression called
the fovea (Figure 14.18). It is packed with cones. As a result,
visual acuity, the ability to discriminate between two
objects, is greatest there. For example, the fovea’s dense
cluster of cones enables you to distinguish between neigh-
boring points in space—like the e and the period at the end
of this sentence.

Cell Type Sensitive To Related Perception
Rod Dim light Coarse perception of
Cone Bright light Daytime vision and
perception of color

Table 14.2 Rods and Cones Compared


F i g u r e 14.17 Rods and cones contain visual pigments.
(© Cengage Learning)

rod cell stacked pigmented membranes

cone cell

Mary Martin/Science Source

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