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Development anD aging 335

lengthen and rings of microfilaments in cells tighten like
purse strings.
Section 17.1 mentioned that morphogenesis also requires
cells to move from one place to another. Migrating cells
find their way in part by following so-called adhesive cues.
For instance, as the nervous system is developing, migrat-
ing Schwann cells stick to adhesion proteins on the surface
of axons but not on blood vessels. Adhesive cues also tell
the cells when to stop. Cells migrate to places where the
signals are strongest, then stay there once they arrive.
Successful embryonic development requires that body
parts form according to normal patterns, in a certain
sequence. Genetically programmed cell death, the process
called apoptosis (a-poh-toe-sis) introduced in Chapter 9,
helps sculpt body parts. Inside cells that are destined to
die, enzymes begin digesting cell parts. For instance, mor-
phogenesis at the ends of limb buds first produced paddle-
shaped hands at the ends of your arms (Figure 17.9A). Then
epithelial cells between the lobes in the paddles died on
cue, leaving separate fingers (Figure 17.9B). Figure 17.9C
shows what can happen when apoptosis doesn’t occur
normally while a hand is forming.

hoW does morphogenesis change an embryo?

  • After the embryo’s basic body plan is established, morphogenesis
    produces the shape and proportions of body parts.

  • During morphogenesis, cells divide and migrate to their proper
    locations, tissues grow and fold, and certain cells die by
    apoptosis (programmed cell death).

taKe-Home message

next, organs develop and take on
the proper shape and proportions

After gastrulation, organs and organ systems begin to
form. An example is neurulation, the first stage in the devel-
opment of the nervous system. Figure 17.8 shows how cells
of ectoderm at the embryo’s midline elongate and form a
neural plate. This is the first sign that a region of ectoderm
is starting to develop into nervous tissue. Next, cells near
the middle become wedge-shaped. The changes in cell
shape cause the neural plate to fold over and meet at the
embryo’s midline to form the neural tube.
The folding of sheets of cells is extremely important in
morphogenesis. The folding takes place as microtubules

F i g u r e 17.9 Programmed cell death separates the digits
when fingers form. A At first, webs of tissue connect the
digits. B Then, cells in the webs die by apoptosis and the
digits are separated. C These fingers remained attached
when embryonic cells did not die on cue.


A and B: © Kathleen K. Sulick, Bowles Center for Alcohol Studies, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill;
C: JPD/Custom Medical Stock Photo

Figure 17.8 Animated! Formation of the neural tube is an
example of morphogenesis. A neural tube is the forerunner of
the brain and spinal cord. It forms as certain ectodermal cells
change shape. In some cells, microtubules lengthen, and the
elongating cells form a neural plate. In other cells, microfilament
rings at one end constrict and the cells become wedge-shaped.
Their part of the ectodermal sheet folds over the neural plate to
form the tube. (© Cengage Learning)

neural tube

neural groove


neural plate (ectoderm)

1 Substances produced by the notochord
induce the ectoderm above it to thicken and
form a neural plate.

2 As cells in the neural plate change shape,
the plate’s edges fold toward the plate center to
form a neural groove.

3 As inward folding continues, the edges of
the neural plate meet and fuse to form the
neural tube.

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