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352 Chapter 17

your Future

Dr. E. Walker/Science Source
Figure 17.25 This embryo, the
result of an ectopic pregnancy,
could not survive implantation
outside its mother’s uterus.

  1. The developmental process called produces the
    shape and structure of particular body regions.

  2. is the gene-guided process by which cells in
    different locations in the embryo become specialized.
    a. Implantation c. Cell differentiation
    b. Neurulation d. Morphogenesis

  3. In a human zygote, the cell divisions of cleavage produce
    an embryonic stage known generally as a.
    a. zona pellucida c. blastocyst
    b. gastrula d. larva

  4. Match each developmental stage with its description.
    cleavage a. egg and sperm mature
    gamete formation in parents
    organ formation b. sperm, egg nuclei fuse
    cell differentiation c. germ layers form
    gastrulation d. zygote becomes a ball of
    fertilization cells called a morula
    e. cells come to have specific
    structures and functions
    f. starts when germ layers
    split into subgroups of cells

  5. Of the four extraembryonic membranes, only the is
    not needed in order for an embryo to develop properly.
    a. yolk sac d. chorion
    b. allantois e. this is a trick question,
    c. amnion because all are needed

  6. All of the following apply to the birth process (labor) except
    a. It consists of four main stages.
    b. Hormones from the fetus trigger it.
    c. In a newborn, breathing air triggers the shutdown of the
    “bypass” vessels of fetal circulation.
    d. It is an example of positive feedback rather than negative

  7. Of the following, cannot cross the placenta.
    a. alcohol
    b. the mother’s antibodies
    c. antibiotics
    d. toxic substances in tobacco smoke
    e. all can cross the placenta

CritiCaL tHinKing

  1. How accurate is the statement “A pregnant woman must
    do everything for two”? Give some specifics to support
    your answer.

  2. A renowned developmental biologist, Lewis Wolpert, once
    observed that birth, death, and marriage are not the most
    impor tant events in human life—rather, Wolpert said, the
    most important moment in life is gastrulation. Given the
    discussion in Section 17.1, what do you think he meant?

  3. One of your best friends tells you that she and her husband
    think she might be pregnant. She feels she can wait until
    she’s several months along before finding an obstetrician.
    You think she could use some medical advice sooner, and
    you suggest she discuss her plans with a physician as
    soon as possible. What kinds of health issues might you be
    concerned about? © Gary Head
    4. The complications of ectopic
    pregnancy (Section 17.2)
    are life-threatening for the
    mother, and in fact each year
    in the United States a few
    pregnant women die when
    their situation is not diagnosed
    in time. Tragically, the only
    option is to surgically remove
    the embryo, which was
    doomed from the beginning.
    Based on what you know about
    where an embryo normally
    develops, explain why the
    ectopic embryo in Figure 17.25
    could not have long survived.

Zephyr/Science Source

Researchers studying Alzheimer’s
disease may be making significant
progress in understanding how the
disease takes hold in the brain. They
already know that not everyone who
develops AD’s characteristic tangles
and plaques goes on to develop
the disease itself. Now scientists at
Harvard University have discovered that
protection may come from a brain protein called REST that
was thought to act only during fetal life, helping assure proper
timing of neural development in the brain. The Harvard team
discovered that REST becomes active again in older adults—
except in people who develop AD. As more is learned about
REST’s role in adults, researchers hope the knowledge may
lead to therapies for preventing Alzheimer’s or slowing its
progress in the brain.

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